Aplicación del plan de mantenimiento de vías de acarreo en la vida útil de neumáticos de camiones mineros – San Martin Contratistas Generales S.A. – Shougang Hierro Perú 2023
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
El presente estudio tiene como objetivo principal establecer si la aplicación del
plan de mantenimiento de vías de acarreo influye en la vida útil de neumáticos
de camiones mineros – San Martin Contratistas Generales S.A. – Shougang
Hierro Perú 2023. La investigación es de tipo aplicada, nivel descriptivoexplicativo y diseño experimental – pre experimento; se empleó la técnica de la
observación y el fichaje; la muestra se constituirá por los camiones mineros
pertinentes a la Contrata Minera San Martin Contratistas Generales S.A que
ejecutan labores de acarreo y transporte en la Mina 4 de la Empresa Minera
Shougang Hierro Perú. Se logra establecer que el plan de mantenimiento de vías
de acarreo influye en la vida útil de neumáticos de camiones mineros de la
Contrata Minera San Martin, puesto que en el comparativo de rendimiento se
observa un incremento de 6681 Hrs promedio a 7338 Hrs promedio en el periodo
mensual enero-abril del año 2023, en las actividades de Shougang Hierro Perú.
The main objective of this study is to establish whether the application of the haul road maintenance plan influences the useful life of mining truck tires – San Martin Contratistas Generales S.A. – Shougang Hierro Peru 2023. The research is of applied type, descriptive-explanatory level and experimental design – preexperiment; the technique of observation and signing was used; the sample will be constituted by the mining trucks pertinent to the Minera San Martin Contratistas Generales S.A that execute haulage and transport tasks in Mine 4 of the Shougang Hierro Peru Mining Company. It is possible to establish that the maintenance plan of haul roads influences the useful life of mining truck tires of the San Martin Mining Contract, since in the performance comparison there is an increase from 6681 Hrs average to 7338 Hrs average in the monthly period January-April of the year 2023, in the activities of Shougang Hierro Peru.
The main objective of this study is to establish whether the application of the haul road maintenance plan influences the useful life of mining truck tires – San Martin Contratistas Generales S.A. – Shougang Hierro Peru 2023. The research is of applied type, descriptive-explanatory level and experimental design – preexperiment; the technique of observation and signing was used; the sample will be constituted by the mining trucks pertinent to the Minera San Martin Contratistas Generales S.A that execute haulage and transport tasks in Mine 4 of the Shougang Hierro Peru Mining Company. It is possible to establish that the maintenance plan of haul roads influences the useful life of mining truck tires of the San Martin Mining Contract, since in the performance comparison there is an increase from 6681 Hrs average to 7338 Hrs average in the monthly period January-April of the year 2023, in the activities of Shougang Hierro Peru.
Palabras clave
Neumáticos mineros, Rendimiento de neumáticos, Vías de acarreo, Mining tires