Conserva de sólido de caballa (Scomber japonicus peruanus) en salsa norteña
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
La presente investigación titulada “Conserva de solido de caballa en salsa norteña”, trata de un
estudio profundo de la caballa y del líquido de cobertura; el mismo que está formado por: ají
panca 20%, cebolla 16% ajos 5%, comino 4%, chicha jora 40%, culantro molido 1% , Aceite
12% y glutamato monosódico 1%. El tiempo de precocción de la caballa fue de 47 minutos
alcanzando en el centro geométrico del pescado 100°C, el tiempo de esterilizado fue de 70
minutos a una temperatura de 116°C en la autoclave, el Fo fue de 6.
El análisis sensorial y nutricional del producto mostró que la salsa con 20% de ají panca es muy
aceptada y ofrece una buena densidad nutricional. Tiene un perfil equilibrado con alta cantidad
de proteínas y bajo en carbohidratos, lo que la hace adecuada para diversas dietas. Además, la alta
concentración de chicha de jora le da una textura y sabor únicos. Estas cualidades hacen que el
producto sea atractivo tanto sensorial como nutricionalmente, lo que favorece su comercialización
en diferentes segmentos del mercado.
El producto fue sometido a pruebas estadísticas (Chi cuadrado) resultando el mejor la salsa
preparada con 20 % de ají panca, finalmente el resultado fue: proteínas 19%, grasa 11%, agua
63%, sales minerales 7% y ˂1% de carbohidratos.
The present research entitled “Preserved mackerel solid in northern sauce”, deals with an in-depth study of the mackerel and the covering liquid; the same one that is made up of: ají panca 20%, onion 16% garlic 5%, cumin 4%, salt 1%, chicha jora 40%, ground coriander 1%, oil 12% and monosodium glutamate 1%. The precooking time of the mackerel was 47 minutes, reaching 100°C in the geometric center of the fish, the sterilization time was 70 minutes at a temperature of 116°C in the autoclave, the Fo was 6. The sensory and nutritional analysis of the product revealed that the sauce with 20% ají panca is highly accepted and offers good nutritional density. It has a balanced profile with high protein content and low carbohydrates, making it suitable for various diets. Additionally, the high concentration of chicha de jora imparts a unique texture and flavor. These qualities make the product appealing both sensorially and nutritionally, which supports its commercialization in different market segments. The product was subjected to statistical tests (Chi square) with the best being the sauce prepared with 20% of panca chili, finally the result was: proteins 19%, fat 11%, water 63%, mineral salts 7% and ˂1% of carbohydrates.
The present research entitled “Preserved mackerel solid in northern sauce”, deals with an in-depth study of the mackerel and the covering liquid; the same one that is made up of: ají panca 20%, onion 16% garlic 5%, cumin 4%, salt 1%, chicha jora 40%, ground coriander 1%, oil 12% and monosodium glutamate 1%. The precooking time of the mackerel was 47 minutes, reaching 100°C in the geometric center of the fish, the sterilization time was 70 minutes at a temperature of 116°C in the autoclave, the Fo was 6. The sensory and nutritional analysis of the product revealed that the sauce with 20% ají panca is highly accepted and offers good nutritional density. It has a balanced profile with high protein content and low carbohydrates, making it suitable for various diets. Additionally, the high concentration of chicha de jora imparts a unique texture and flavor. These qualities make the product appealing both sensorially and nutritionally, which supports its commercialization in different market segments. The product was subjected to statistical tests (Chi square) with the best being the sauce prepared with 20% of panca chili, finally the result was: proteins 19%, fat 11%, water 63%, mineral salts 7% and ˂1% of carbohydrates.
Palabras clave
Precocción, Esterilizado, Autoclave, Caballa, Precooking