Relación entre diabetes tipo 2 como factor de riesgo y enfermedad cardiovascular en pacientes atendidos en la "Clínica Holosalud” de Ica, 2018
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
Esta tesis se lleva a cabo a partir de la alta prevalencia que actualmente existe a nivel
mundial; situación preocupante y por lo que se plantea como objetivo principal determinar la
relación entre DM2 como factor de riesgo y la aparición de enfermedad cardiovascular en la
Clínica Holosalud de Ica durante el año 2018. Materiales y métodos: estudio observacional,
no experimental - transversal, descriptivo y correlacional, muestreo fue no probabilísticocensal conformado por 7709 pacientes que reunieron los criterios de elegibilidad a quienes se
les aplicó como técnica el análisis documental mediante los datos de las historias clínicas
que se encontraron sistematizadas y la tabla de predicción del riesgo AMR de la OMS/ISH.
La confiabilidad del instrumento fue a través del estadístico de Cronbach con un valor de
0,81. Los estadísticos que permitieron medir la relación significativa fueron a través del Chi
cuadrado y su p – valor, mientras que para medir el riesgo fue el OR. Los resultados
mostraron 0,3% de población con diabetes y enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV) y 0,8% sin
ECV; en la población total de varones fue 1,1% y en mujeres fue 1,2%, en jóvenes fue 1,2%
y en adultos 1,1%. La frecuencia de diabetes tipo 2 en la población total de hipertensos fue
13,5%; con ECV fue 6,3% y sin ECV 7,3%. Conclusión: Se determinó la DM-2 es un 1,3
veces factor de riesgo en la aparición de enfermedad cardiovascular en la “Clínica
Holosalud” de Ica durante el año 2018. Los indicadores de mayor significancia
fueron la HTA y la Hipercolesterolemia.
This thesis is carried out from the high prevalence that currently exists worldwide; worrying situation and so it is proposed as the main objective to determine the relationship between type 2 Diabetes as a risk factor and the appearance of cardiovascular disease in the Holosalud Clinic of Ica during the year 2018. Materials and methods: To make the study possible, a methodological strategy was designed based on an observational, non-experimental-cross-sectional, descriptive and correlational study, the sampling was non-probabilistic census type because the entire population was studied, being made up of 7709 patients who met the eligibility criteria to whom documentary analysis was applied as a technique using the data of the medical records that were found systematized and the WHO/ISH AMR risk prediction table. The reliability of the instrument was through Cronbach's Alpha with a value of 0.81 that indicated that there is an 81% reliability. The statistics that allowed to measure the significant relationship were through the Chi square and its p – value, while to measure the risk was the OR. The results showed 0.3% of the population with diabetes and cardiovascular disease (CVD) and 0.8% without CVD. The frequency of type 2 diabetes in the total male population was 1.1% and in females it was 1.2%. The frequency of type 2 diabetes in young people was 1.2% and in adults 1.1%. The frequency of type 2 diabetes in the total hypertensive population was 13.5%; with CVD was 6.3% and without CVD 7.3%. Conclusion: Type 2 Diabetes mellitus was determined as a risk factor that has no significant relationship with the appearance of cardiovascular disease in the "Holosalud Clinic" of Ica during the year 2018. Diabetic patients are those who are at higher risk of presenting CVD with the presence of more significant indicators hypertension and hypercholesterolemia.
This thesis is carried out from the high prevalence that currently exists worldwide; worrying situation and so it is proposed as the main objective to determine the relationship between type 2 Diabetes as a risk factor and the appearance of cardiovascular disease in the Holosalud Clinic of Ica during the year 2018. Materials and methods: To make the study possible, a methodological strategy was designed based on an observational, non-experimental-cross-sectional, descriptive and correlational study, the sampling was non-probabilistic census type because the entire population was studied, being made up of 7709 patients who met the eligibility criteria to whom documentary analysis was applied as a technique using the data of the medical records that were found systematized and the WHO/ISH AMR risk prediction table. The reliability of the instrument was through Cronbach's Alpha with a value of 0.81 that indicated that there is an 81% reliability. The statistics that allowed to measure the significant relationship were through the Chi square and its p – value, while to measure the risk was the OR. The results showed 0.3% of the population with diabetes and cardiovascular disease (CVD) and 0.8% without CVD. The frequency of type 2 diabetes in the total male population was 1.1% and in females it was 1.2%. The frequency of type 2 diabetes in young people was 1.2% and in adults 1.1%. The frequency of type 2 diabetes in the total hypertensive population was 13.5%; with CVD was 6.3% and without CVD 7.3%. Conclusion: Type 2 Diabetes mellitus was determined as a risk factor that has no significant relationship with the appearance of cardiovascular disease in the "Holosalud Clinic" of Ica during the year 2018. Diabetic patients are those who are at higher risk of presenting CVD with the presence of more significant indicators hypertension and hypercholesterolemia.
Palabras clave
Diabetes tipo 2, Factor de riesgo, Enfermedad cardiovascular, Risk factor