La gestión de almacenes e inventarios en las tiendas comerciales de abarrotes en la provincia de Ica, 2017
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
Determinar la influencia de la gestión de almacenes e inventarios en
las tiendas comerciales de abarrotes en la provincia de Ica, 2017
Material y método: El tipo de Investigación fue aplicativo; el nivel fue
explicativo; el diseño fue no experimental
Resultados: se observa que el 22.0% de los encuestados respondieron que si,
y el 78.0% que no, Están protegidas de modo adecuado para evitar su deterioro
físico contándose con seguros contra incendio, daños, robo, etc; sobre se
entregan los productos mediante orden de pedido o vales de salida, donde el
32.2% respondieron que si y el 67.8% que no; se conservan para nuestra
inspección las hojas originales de los recuentos físicos practicados por los
empleados de la empresa, donde el 25.4% respondió que si y el 74.6% que no.
Conclusión: Del análisis de los resultados se concluye que la gestión de
almacenes e inventarios en las tiendas comerciales de abarrotes en la provincia
de Ica, es necesaria para mejorar el control de sus ingresos y egresos de sus
productos, ya que el 89.8% no tiene un adecuado manejo de su almacén.
Determine the influence of the management of warehouses and inventories in the grocery stores in the province of Ica, 2017 Material and method: The type of research was applied; the level was explanatory; the design was non-experimental Results: it is observed that 22.0% of the respondents answered yes, and 78.0% no, they are adequately protected to avoid physical deterioration with insurance against fire, damage, theft, etc; on the products are delivered by order of order or exit vouchers, where 32.2% answered yes and 67.8% said no; the original sheets of the physical counts practiced by the employees of the company are conserved for our inspection, where 25.4% answered yes and 74.6% answered no. Conclusion: From the analysis of the results it is concluded that the management of warehouses and inventories in the grocery stores in the province of Ica, is necessary to improve the control of their income and expenses of their products, since 89.8% do not have proper handling of your warehouse.
Determine the influence of the management of warehouses and inventories in the grocery stores in the province of Ica, 2017 Material and method: The type of research was applied; the level was explanatory; the design was non-experimental Results: it is observed that 22.0% of the respondents answered yes, and 78.0% no, they are adequately protected to avoid physical deterioration with insurance against fire, damage, theft, etc; on the products are delivered by order of order or exit vouchers, where 32.2% answered yes and 67.8% said no; the original sheets of the physical counts practiced by the employees of the company are conserved for our inspection, where 25.4% answered yes and 74.6% answered no. Conclusion: From the analysis of the results it is concluded that the management of warehouses and inventories in the grocery stores in the province of Ica, is necessary to improve the control of their income and expenses of their products, since 89.8% do not have proper handling of your warehouse.
Palabras clave
Gestion de almacenes, Inventarios, Tiendas comerciales, Abarrotes, Warehouse management