Posición del tercer molar mandibular en relación al biotipo facial en radiografías de pacientes un centro de diagnóstico por imágenes, Ica - 2023
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
Determinar la relación entre la posición del tercer molar mandibular con el biotipo
facial en radiografías de pacientes un Centro de Diagnóstico por Imágenes, Ica – 2023.
Metodológico: Es una investigación cuantitativa, de nivel relacional y de corte transversal,
observacional y retrospectivo. Conformado por una población de 254 radiografías de pacientes
que se hayan realizado la toma de la imagen panorámicas y cuentan con historias clínicas. La
técnica que se utilizó es la observación directa y para ambas variables será una ficha de
recolección de datos, acorde a las variables. Resultados: La prevalencia de la posición del tercer
molar mandibular según sexo se obtuvo que el sexo femenino presentó clase IIA 23.0%, seguido
del sexo masculino que presentó clase IIA 25.0%. La prevalencia de biotipo facial según sexo, el
sexo femenino presentó un biotipo braquifacial 39.2%; el sexo masculino presentó dolicofacial
47.5%, relacionado al biotipo braquifacial presentó clase IIA 22.9%, relacionado al biotipo
mesofacial presentó clase IIA 25.0%, relacionado al biotipo dolicofacial presentó clase IIA
24.2%. Conclusión: Si existe relación entre la posición del tercer molar mandibular con el biotipo
facial en radiografías de pacientes un Centro de Diagnóstico por Imágenes, Ica – 2023, resultando
una relación estadísticamente significancia de 0,04 < 0.05 realizado con la prueba Chi-cuadrado.
Determine the relationship between the position of the mandibular third molar with the facial biotype in radiographs of patients at a Diagnostic Imaging Center, Ica – 2023. Methodological: It is a quantitative, relational and cross-sectional, observational and retrospective investigation. Made up of a population of 254 x-rays of patients who have had panoramic images taken and have medical records. The technique that was used is direct observation and for both variables there will be a data collection sheet, according to the variables. Results: The prevalence of the position of the mandibular third molar according to sex was obtained that the female sex presented class IIA 23.0%, followed by the male sex who presented class IIA 25.0%. The prevalence of facial biotype according to sex, the female sex presented a brachyfacial biotype 39.2%; the male sex presented dolichofacial biotype 47.5%, related to the brachyfacial biotype presented class IIA 22.9%, related to the mesofacial biotype presented class IIA 25.0%, related to the dolichofacial biotype presented class IIA 24.2%. Conclusion: If there is a relationship between the position of the mandibular third molar with the facial biotype in radiographs of patients at a Diagnostic Imaging Center, Ica – 2023, resulting in a statistically significant relationship of 0.04 < 0.05 performed with the Chi-square test.
Determine the relationship between the position of the mandibular third molar with the facial biotype in radiographs of patients at a Diagnostic Imaging Center, Ica – 2023. Methodological: It is a quantitative, relational and cross-sectional, observational and retrospective investigation. Made up of a population of 254 x-rays of patients who have had panoramic images taken and have medical records. The technique that was used is direct observation and for both variables there will be a data collection sheet, according to the variables. Results: The prevalence of the position of the mandibular third molar according to sex was obtained that the female sex presented class IIA 23.0%, followed by the male sex who presented class IIA 25.0%. The prevalence of facial biotype according to sex, the female sex presented a brachyfacial biotype 39.2%; the male sex presented dolichofacial biotype 47.5%, related to the brachyfacial biotype presented class IIA 22.9%, related to the mesofacial biotype presented class IIA 25.0%, related to the dolichofacial biotype presented class IIA 24.2%. Conclusion: If there is a relationship between the position of the mandibular third molar with the facial biotype in radiographs of patients at a Diagnostic Imaging Center, Ica – 2023, resulting in a statistically significant relationship of 0.04 < 0.05 performed with the Chi-square test.
Palabras clave
Biotipo facial, Tercera molar, Mesofacial, Braquifacial, Facial biotype