Estilo de liderazgo directivo y clima organizacional en el Hospital Regional de Ayacucho, 2022
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
El liderazgo está íntimamente relacionado al proceso de gestión institucional, porque afecta a los
trabajadores, por ende, tiene que ver con la calidad, eficacia, eficiencia y calidez en la atención a
los pacientes en el Hospital Regional de Ayacucho, mientras que el clima organizacional es una
estrategia para la mejora continua que puede comprometer precisamente la calidad y calidez del
servicio que brinda a los pacientes reduciendo la productividad, satisfacción y compromiso
laboral. El presente estudio se ejecutó con el objetivo de determinar la relación entre el clima
organizacional y estilo de liderazgo directivo del personal en el Hospital Regional de Ayacucho,
2022, el tipo de estudio fue aplicada, diseño no experimental, descriptivo-correlacional y corte
transeccional. Se trabajó con una muestra de 46 personal de enfermería a quienes se les aplico la
encuesta debidamente validado. Se determinó la relación del estilo de liderazgo directivo global
80,4% medio y 15,2% bajo; y un clima organizacional global 76,1% regular y 8,7% malo;
encontrando una relación directa y significativo entre ambos variables (Rho=0,551;
p=0,000<0,05). Se evidenció que existe relación directa y significativamente entre liderazgo
directivo y las dimensiones liderazgo-toma decisiones (Rho=0,309; p=0,037), estructura
(Rho=0,561; p=0,000), cooperación (Rho=0,335; p=0,023), innovación-confort (Rho=0,343;
p=0,020), motivación (Rho=0,403; p=0,006), identidad (Rho=0,484; p=0,001) y recompensaremuneración (Rho=0527; p=0,000) del clima organizacional. No se halló relación entre liderazgo
directivo y la dimensión comunicación del clima organizacional (Rho =0,229; p=0,125>0,05). Se
concluye que el liderazgo directivo está relacionado al clima organizacional.
Leadership is closely related to the institutional management process, because it affects workers, therefore, it has to do with quality, effectiveness, efficiency and warmth in patient care at the Regional Hospital of Ayacucho, while the organizational climate It is a strategy for continuous improvement that can compromise precisely the quality and warmth of the service provided to patients, reducing productivity, satisfaction, and work commitment. The present study was carried out with the objective of determining the relationship between the organizational climate and the managerial leadership style of the staff at the Regional Hospital of Ayacucho, 2022, the type of study was applied, non-experimental design, descriptive-correlational and cross-sectional. We worked with a sample of 46 nursing personnel to whom the duly validated survey was applied. The relationship between the global managerial leadership style was determined: 80.4% medium and 15.2% low; and a global organizational climate that was 76.1% regular and 8.7% bad; finding a direct and significant relationship between both variables (Rho=0.551; p=0.000<0.05). It was evidenced that there is a direct and significant relationship between managerial leadership and the dimensions of leadership-decision making (Rho=0.309; p=0.037), structure (Rho=0.561; p=0.000), cooperation (Rho=0.335; p=0.023), innovation-comfort (Rho=0.343; p=0.020), motivation (Rho=0.403; p=0.006), identity (Rho=0.484; p=0.001) and reward-remuneration (Rho=0527; p=0.000) of the organizational climate. No relationship was found between executive leadership and the communication dimension of the organizational climate (Rho =0.229; p=0.125>0.05). It is concluded that directive leadership is related to the organizational climate.
Leadership is closely related to the institutional management process, because it affects workers, therefore, it has to do with quality, effectiveness, efficiency and warmth in patient care at the Regional Hospital of Ayacucho, while the organizational climate It is a strategy for continuous improvement that can compromise precisely the quality and warmth of the service provided to patients, reducing productivity, satisfaction, and work commitment. The present study was carried out with the objective of determining the relationship between the organizational climate and the managerial leadership style of the staff at the Regional Hospital of Ayacucho, 2022, the type of study was applied, non-experimental design, descriptive-correlational and cross-sectional. We worked with a sample of 46 nursing personnel to whom the duly validated survey was applied. The relationship between the global managerial leadership style was determined: 80.4% medium and 15.2% low; and a global organizational climate that was 76.1% regular and 8.7% bad; finding a direct and significant relationship between both variables (Rho=0.551; p=0.000<0.05). It was evidenced that there is a direct and significant relationship between managerial leadership and the dimensions of leadership-decision making (Rho=0.309; p=0.037), structure (Rho=0.561; p=0.000), cooperation (Rho=0.335; p=0.023), innovation-comfort (Rho=0.343; p=0.020), motivation (Rho=0.403; p=0.006), identity (Rho=0.484; p=0.001) and reward-remuneration (Rho=0527; p=0.000) of the organizational climate. No relationship was found between executive leadership and the communication dimension of the organizational climate (Rho =0.229; p=0.125>0.05). It is concluded that directive leadership is related to the organizational climate.
Palabras clave
Liderazgo directivo, Clima organizacional, Executive leadership, Nursing professional