La aplicación del principio de proporcionalidad en la reserva del fallo condenatorio en el delito de abandono de cargo - Ica 2023
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
Esta investigación tiene por objeto determinar la proporcionalidad de la aplicación de la
reserva del fallo condenatorio en el Delito de Abandono del Cargo, en relación a la
lesividad del bien jurídico protegido, asimismo, determinar si la reserva del fallo
condenatorio no es idónea y necesaria en el delito de Abandono del Cargo, con relación
al bien jurídico tutelado; y, determinar si la reserva del fallo condenatorio no es
proporcional en sentido estricto respecto del delito de abandono del cargo, con relación
al bien jurídico tutelado. Metodología: investigación cuantitativa correlacional con una
muestra de 200 abogados, litigantes, jueces y fiscales, a quienes se aplicó un
cuestionario por cada variable. Resultados: La aplicación de la reserva del fallo no
resulta ser una medida proporcional en el delito de Abandono del Cargo, esto, debido al
bien tutelado por este tipo penal, más aún, cuando versa sobre el ejercicio de un cargo
público, el cual se encuentra sujeto a una institución estatal, para lo cual, el Estado
depositó una especial confianza en el funcionario público que la desempeña, razón por
la que, su abandono o incumplimiento, trasgrede los deberes funcionariales de la función
pública, y, el correcto funcionamiento de la administración pública. Conclusión: Se
deberá excluir el delito de Abandono de Cargo del texto legal donde se regula la Reserva
del Fallo Condenatorio, a través de una reforma del artículo 380° del C.P.
The purpose of this research is to determine in what way the application of the reservation of the conviction in the crime of Abandonment of Office is not proportional to the harmfulness of the protected legal right, also, to determine if the reservation of the conviction is not suitable and necessary in the crime of Abandonment of Office, in relation to the protected legal right; and, to determine if the reservation of the conviction is not proportional in a strict sense in relation to the crime of abandonment of office, in relation to the protected legal right. Methodology: quantitative correlational research with a sample of 200 lawyers, litigants, judges and prosecutors, to whom a questionnaire was applied for each variable. Results: The application of the reservation of the ruling is not a proportional measure in the crime of Abandonment of Office, this, due to the legal good protected by this criminal type, even more, when it is the exercise of a public office, which is subject to a state institution, for which the State deposited a special trust in the public official who performs it, reason for which, its abandonment or breach, violates the duties of the public function, in addition to the proper functioning of the public administration. Conclusion: The crime of Abandonment of Office should be excluded from the legal text that regulates the Reservation of the Convictional Judgment, being embodied through a legal reform, and thus, reforming the normative text of article 380° of the Criminal Code.
The purpose of this research is to determine in what way the application of the reservation of the conviction in the crime of Abandonment of Office is not proportional to the harmfulness of the protected legal right, also, to determine if the reservation of the conviction is not suitable and necessary in the crime of Abandonment of Office, in relation to the protected legal right; and, to determine if the reservation of the conviction is not proportional in a strict sense in relation to the crime of abandonment of office, in relation to the protected legal right. Methodology: quantitative correlational research with a sample of 200 lawyers, litigants, judges and prosecutors, to whom a questionnaire was applied for each variable. Results: The application of the reservation of the ruling is not a proportional measure in the crime of Abandonment of Office, this, due to the legal good protected by this criminal type, even more, when it is the exercise of a public office, which is subject to a state institution, for which the State deposited a special trust in the public official who performs it, reason for which, its abandonment or breach, violates the duties of the public function, in addition to the proper functioning of the public administration. Conclusion: The crime of Abandonment of Office should be excluded from the legal text that regulates the Reservation of the Convictional Judgment, being embodied through a legal reform, and thus, reforming the normative text of article 380° of the Criminal Code.
Palabras clave
Daño al servicio, Abandono de cargo, Reserva del fallo, Idoneidad, Protected legal right