La aplicación del proceso especial de terminación anticipada en el nuevo modelo procesal penal, provincia de Paucar Del Sara Sara del distrito fiscal de Ayacucho, 2020
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
Objetivo fue determinar la influencia de la aplicación del proceso especial de terminación
anticipada en el nuevo modelo procesal penal, provincia de Paucar del Sara Sara del distrito fiscal
de Ayacucho, 2020. Método fue de tipo aaplicada de nivel: explicativo, el diseño no experimental
y con una muestra de279 unidades muéstrales. Resultados la pena evita que el procesado sea
condenado por acción u omisión en el proceso especial de terminación anticipada en el nuevo
modelo procesal penal el (34.4%) está de acuerdo y en menor en menor porcentaje el (8.2%) ni
de acuerdo, ni en desacuerdo; la presencia de indicios es jurídicamente relevantes en el proceso
especial de terminación anticipada en el nuevo modelo procesal penal el (27.2%) totalmente de
acuerdo y acuerdo respectivamente y en menor en menor porcentaje el (4.3%) ni de acuerdo, ni
en desacuerdo; la presencia de indicios es jurídicamente relevantes en el proceso especial de
terminación anticipada en el nuevo modelo procesal penal el (30.1%) totalmente de acuerdo y en
menor en menor porcentaje el (10.8%) en desacuerdo. conclusión la aplicación del proceso
especial de terminación anticipada influye significativamente en el nuevo modelo procesal penal,
provincia de Paucar del Sara Sara del distrito fiscal de Ayacucho, donde el (39.8%) está de
acuerdo y en menor porcentaje el (8.5) totalmente en desacuerdo, ni de acuerdo, ni en desacuerdo,
desacuerdo respectivamente.
Objective was to determine the influence of the application of the special process of early termination in the new criminal procedure model, province of Paucar del Sara Sara of the fiscal district of Ayacucho, 2020. Method was of type applied level: explanatory, non-experimental design and with a sample of 279 sample units. Results, the penalty prevents the defendant from being sentenced for action or omission in the special process of early termination in the new criminal procedure model (34.4%) agrees and to a lesser extent (8.2%) neither agrees nor in disagreement; the presence of evidence is legally relevant in the special process of early termination in the new criminal procedure model (27.2%) fully agree and agree respectively and to a lesser extent (4.3%) neither agree nor disagree; the presence of evidence is legally relevant in the special process of early termination in the new criminal procedure model (30.1%) totally agree and to a lesser extent (10.8%) disagree. conclusion the application of the special process of early termination significantly influences the new criminal procedure model, province of Paucar del Sara Sara of the fiscal district of Ayacucho, where (39.8%) agree and in a lower percentage (8.5) totally disagree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree respectively.
Objective was to determine the influence of the application of the special process of early termination in the new criminal procedure model, province of Paucar del Sara Sara of the fiscal district of Ayacucho, 2020. Method was of type applied level: explanatory, non-experimental design and with a sample of 279 sample units. Results, the penalty prevents the defendant from being sentenced for action or omission in the special process of early termination in the new criminal procedure model (34.4%) agrees and to a lesser extent (8.2%) neither agrees nor in disagreement; the presence of evidence is legally relevant in the special process of early termination in the new criminal procedure model (27.2%) fully agree and agree respectively and to a lesser extent (4.3%) neither agree nor disagree; the presence of evidence is legally relevant in the special process of early termination in the new criminal procedure model (30.1%) totally agree and to a lesser extent (10.8%) disagree. conclusion the application of the special process of early termination significantly influences the new criminal procedure model, province of Paucar del Sara Sara of the fiscal district of Ayacucho, where (39.8%) agree and in a lower percentage (8.5) totally disagree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree respectively.
Palabras clave
Proceso especial, Terminación anticipada, Nuevo modelo procesal penal, Special process