Índice de masa corporal y complicaciones durante el embarazo en pacientes atendidas en el Hospital Santa María del Socorro de Ica, enero - abril, 2022
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
Determinar la relación que existe entre el índice de masa
corporal y complicaciones durante el embarazo en pacientes atendidas en el Hospital Santa María
del Socorro de Ica, enero – abril 2022.
Metodología: El tipo de estudio fue correlacional, retrospectivo y de corte transversal; el nivel
de investigación fue cuantitativo y de diseño no experimental. La muestra la conformaron 112
gestantes que presentaron alguna complicación durante el embarazo durante los meses de enero a
abril del 2022.
Resultados: Las gestantes con bajo peso fueron el 1.8%, normo peso en 37.5%, sobrepeso con
39.3%, obesidad 1 9.8%, obesidad 2 7.1% y obesidad 3 4.5%; las complicaciones en el primer
trimestre fueron la amenaza de aborto en 16.1% y 18.8% hiperémesis gravídica, la amenaza de
aborto se presentó en 0.9% en bajo peso, en normo peso el 5.4%, 6.3% en sobrepeso, en obesidad
3 el 2.3%. En el II trimestre encontramos que las gestantes con peso normal presentaron el 13.4%
anemia y 4.5% ITU; en gestantes con obesidad 2.7% con ITU, en obesidad 3 preeclampsia en
1.8%. En el tercer trimestre, las gestantes normo peso se complicaron con ruptura prematura de
membranas en 4.5%, amenaza de parto pretérmino en 3.6%; las gestantes con sobrepeso 3.6%
presentaron amenaza de parto pretérmino y ruptura prematura de membranas respectivamente, en
obesidad 1, el 1.8% presentó amenaza de parto pretérmino, en obesidad 2 presentaron amenaza
de parto pretérmino y ruptura prematura de membranas en el 2.7% y las gestantes con obesidad 3
el 1.8% con ruptura prematura de membranas
Conclusión: Existe relación significativa entre el índice de masa corporal y complicaciones en el
embarazo en usuarias atendidas en el Hospital santa María del Socorro de Ica, enero – abril 2022.
Determining the relationship between the body mass index and complications during pregnancy in patients treated at the Santa María del Socorro Hospital in Ica, January - April 2022. Methodology: The type of study was correlational, retrospective and cross-sectional; the research level was quantitative and non-experimental design. The sample was made up of 112 pregnant women who presented some complication during pregnancy during the months of January to April 2022. Results: Pregnant women with low weight were 1.8%, normal weight 37.5%, overweight 39.3%, obesity 1 9.8%, obesity 2 7.1% and obesity 3 4.5%; The complications in the first trimester were the threat of abortion in 16.1% and 18.8% hyperemesis gravidarum, the threat of abortion occurred in 0.9% in low weight, in normal weight 5.4%, 6.3% in overweight, in obesity 3 2.3 %. In the second trimester we found that pregnant women with normal weight presented 13.4% anemia and 4.5% urinal transmission infections: in pregnant women with obesity 2.7% with UTI, in obesity 3 preeclampsia in 1.8%. In the third trimester, normal weight pregnant women were complicated by premature rupture of membranes in 4.5%, threatened preterm labor in 3.6%; overweight pregnant women 3.6% presented threat of preterm labor and premature rupture of membranes respectively, in obesity 1, 1.8% presented threat of preterm labor, in obesity 2 presented threat of preterm labor and premature rupture of membranes in 2.7% and pregnant women with obesity 3 1.8% with premature rupture of membranes. Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between body mass index and pregnancy complications in users treated at the Santa María del Socorro Hospital in Ica, January - April 2022.
Determining the relationship between the body mass index and complications during pregnancy in patients treated at the Santa María del Socorro Hospital in Ica, January - April 2022. Methodology: The type of study was correlational, retrospective and cross-sectional; the research level was quantitative and non-experimental design. The sample was made up of 112 pregnant women who presented some complication during pregnancy during the months of January to April 2022. Results: Pregnant women with low weight were 1.8%, normal weight 37.5%, overweight 39.3%, obesity 1 9.8%, obesity 2 7.1% and obesity 3 4.5%; The complications in the first trimester were the threat of abortion in 16.1% and 18.8% hyperemesis gravidarum, the threat of abortion occurred in 0.9% in low weight, in normal weight 5.4%, 6.3% in overweight, in obesity 3 2.3 %. In the second trimester we found that pregnant women with normal weight presented 13.4% anemia and 4.5% urinal transmission infections: in pregnant women with obesity 2.7% with UTI, in obesity 3 preeclampsia in 1.8%. In the third trimester, normal weight pregnant women were complicated by premature rupture of membranes in 4.5%, threatened preterm labor in 3.6%; overweight pregnant women 3.6% presented threat of preterm labor and premature rupture of membranes respectively, in obesity 1, 1.8% presented threat of preterm labor, in obesity 2 presented threat of preterm labor and premature rupture of membranes in 2.7% and pregnant women with obesity 3 1.8% with premature rupture of membranes. Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between body mass index and pregnancy complications in users treated at the Santa María del Socorro Hospital in Ica, January - April 2022.
Palabras clave
Índice de masa corporal, Embarazo, Complicaciones, Body mass index