Valoración de la eficacia de tratamiento con Lemna Minor para la reducción del nitrógeno y fósforo del agua residual urbana en la provincia de Chincha
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
El uso de plantas acuáticas como tecnología ecoamigable en el tratamiento de aguas residuales
está teniendo muchos beneficios en los últimos años, debido a su bajo costo y efectividad.
En este estudio se evaluó la influencia del tratamiento con lemna minor en la reducción del
nitrógeno y fósforo en el agua residual urbana de la provincia de chincha, específicamente en la
laguna facultativa “San Francisco”.
Determinando así la efectividad de este tratamiento a las condiciones de diseño aplicadas en
este estudio.
El diseño experimental aplicado fue comparar dos sistemas en un periodo de 30 días y un
tiempo de retención de 10 días. El primer sistema cuenta con ejemplares de lemna minor y el
segundo solo tiene el efluente.
Para que sea una buena comparación ambos sistemas tuvieron las mismas condiciones de
diseño, la única diferencia era la presencia de la lemna minor, ya que la que solo tiene efluente
serviría de patrón o control.
Los sistemas se dieron en unos estanques de vidrio con un suporte y una cobertura cada una;
donde cada 10 días se tomaban muestras y se realizaba la cosecha de la lemna minor,
extrayendo ejemplares hasta mantener su estado original delimitado en la superficie.
Las muestras tomadas se llevaron al laboratorio acreditado Analitycal Laboratory, quien analizo
los parámetros de nitrógeno amoniacal, fósforo total, demanda bioquímica de oxígeno, oxígeno
disuelto, conductividad eléctrica y ph.
Concluyendo que el tratamiento con lemna minor remueve un 99%de nitrógeno amoniacal y un
77% fósforo total a las condiciones de estudio.
The use of aquatic plants as an eco-friendly technology in wastewater treatment is having many benefits in recent years, due to its low cost and effectiveness. This study evaluated the influence of treatment with lemna minor in the reduction of nitrogen and phosphorus in urban wastewater in the province of Chincha, specifically in the facultative lagoon "San Francisco". Thus determining the effectiveness of this treatment under the design conditions applied in this study. The experimental design applied was to compare two systems in a period of 30 days and a retention time of 10 days. The first system has specimens of lemna minor and the second has only the effluent. For a good comparison, both systems had the same design conditions, the only difference being the presence of lemna minor, since the one with effluent only would serve as a standard or control. The systems were in glass ponds with a support and a cover each; where every 10 days samples were taken and the lemna minor was harvested, extracting specimens until they maintained their original state delimited on the surface. The samples taken were taken to the accredited laboratory Analitycal Laboratory, which analyzed the parameters of ammoniacal nitrogen, total phosphorus, biochemical oxygen demand, dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity and pH. They concluded that the treatment with lemna minor removes 99% of ammoniacal nitrogen and 77% of total phosphorus at the study conditions.
The use of aquatic plants as an eco-friendly technology in wastewater treatment is having many benefits in recent years, due to its low cost and effectiveness. This study evaluated the influence of treatment with lemna minor in the reduction of nitrogen and phosphorus in urban wastewater in the province of Chincha, specifically in the facultative lagoon "San Francisco". Thus determining the effectiveness of this treatment under the design conditions applied in this study. The experimental design applied was to compare two systems in a period of 30 days and a retention time of 10 days. The first system has specimens of lemna minor and the second has only the effluent. For a good comparison, both systems had the same design conditions, the only difference being the presence of lemna minor, since the one with effluent only would serve as a standard or control. The systems were in glass ponds with a support and a cover each; where every 10 days samples were taken and the lemna minor was harvested, extracting specimens until they maintained their original state delimited on the surface. The samples taken were taken to the accredited laboratory Analitycal Laboratory, which analyzed the parameters of ammoniacal nitrogen, total phosphorus, biochemical oxygen demand, dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity and pH. They concluded that the treatment with lemna minor removes 99% of ammoniacal nitrogen and 77% of total phosphorus at the study conditions.
Palabras clave
Plantas acuáticas, Lemna Minor, Laguna facultativa, Nitrógeno amoniacal, Total phosphoru