Implementación de la gestión de calidad en la construcción y sus efectos en las obras civiles en Ica - 2022
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
Determinar en qué medida la implementación de la gestión de calidad en la
construcción tendría efectos en la calidad de las obras civiles en Ica, año 2022.
Estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal, retrospectiva y diseño no experimental.
De enfoque cuantitativo en una población y muestra no probabilística aproximada de 40
ingenieros civiles.
En un 35.0% aproximadamente de ingenieros civiles encuestados, posee
conocimiento sobre la gestión de calidad, el 45.0% manifiesta no tener conocimiento sobre la
gestión de calidad, mientras que 20% no precisa. El (30.0%) sostienen estar muy de acuerdo que
la gestión de calidad asegura objetivos y resultados, seguido de los que están de acuerdo (15.0%)
y en desacuerdo (15.0%). En relación con los ítems muy en desacuerdo (20.0%) y no precisa
(20.0%) del total de los encuestados. El chi cuadrado calculado es mayor a 0.00 se acepta la
hipótesis alterna. La implementación de la gestión de calidad en la construcción si tendría efectos
en la calidad de las obras civiles en Ica, año 2022
Conforme al objetivo principal propuesto y luego de desarrollarse durante el
transcurso de investigación, acorde a los resultados de la prueba de hipótesis, donde el chi
cuadrado calculado es mayor a 0.00 se acepta la hipótesis alterna para un p valor < 0.05. Es decir,
La implementación de la gestión de calidad en la construcción si tendría efectos en la calidad de
las obras civiles en Ica, año 2022.
Determine to what extent the implementation of quality management in construction would have effects on the quality of civil works in Ica, year 2022. Descriptive, cross-sectional, retrospective study and non-experimental design. Quantitative approach in a population and approximate non-probabilistic sample of 40 civil engineers. Approximately 35.0% of civil engineers surveyed have knowledge about quality management, 45.0% state that they do not have knowledge about quality management, while 20% do not specify. (30.0%) say they strongly agree that quality management ensures objectives and results, followed by those who agree (15.0%) and disagree (15.0%). In relation to the items, the total number of respondents strongly disagreed (20.0%) and was not precise (20.0%). The calculated chi square is greater than 0.00, the alternative hypothesis is accepted. The implementation of quality management in construction would have effects on the quality of civil works in Ica, year 2022 In accordance with the proposed main objective and after being developed during the course of the research, according to the results of the hypothesis test, where the calculated chi square is greater than 0.00, the alternative hypothesis is accepted for a p value < 0.05. That is, the implementation of quality management in construction would have effects on the quality of civil works in Ica, year 2022.
Determine to what extent the implementation of quality management in construction would have effects on the quality of civil works in Ica, year 2022. Descriptive, cross-sectional, retrospective study and non-experimental design. Quantitative approach in a population and approximate non-probabilistic sample of 40 civil engineers. Approximately 35.0% of civil engineers surveyed have knowledge about quality management, 45.0% state that they do not have knowledge about quality management, while 20% do not specify. (30.0%) say they strongly agree that quality management ensures objectives and results, followed by those who agree (15.0%) and disagree (15.0%). In relation to the items, the total number of respondents strongly disagreed (20.0%) and was not precise (20.0%). The calculated chi square is greater than 0.00, the alternative hypothesis is accepted. The implementation of quality management in construction would have effects on the quality of civil works in Ica, year 2022 In accordance with the proposed main objective and after being developed during the course of the research, according to the results of the hypothesis test, where the calculated chi square is greater than 0.00, the alternative hypothesis is accepted for a p value < 0.05. That is, the implementation of quality management in construction would have effects on the quality of civil works in Ica, year 2022.
Palabras clave
Gestión de calidad, Construcción, Calidad de obra, Civil engineer, Quality management