Gestión de residuos sólidos orgánicos domiciliarios para la producción de compost, en el distrito de Parcona, Ica, 2022
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
La presente investigación titulada “Gestión de residuos sólidos orgánicos domiciliarios para la
producción de compost, en el distrito de Parcona, Ica, 2022”, partió del siguiente problema ¿Cómo
gestionar los residuos sólidos orgánicos domiciliarios para la producción de compost, en el distrito
de Parcona, Ica, 2022? tuvo como objetivo general, Gestionar los residuos sólidos orgánicos
domiciliarios para la producción de compost, en el distrito de Parcona, Ica, 2022.
La población estará conformada por los pobladores del Distrito de Parcona
El método empleado en la investigación fue el tipo longitudinal-descriptivo, con diseño de
investigación experimental de nivel descriptivo, que recogió la información en un periodo especifico,
la técnica manejada fue el análisis de fuentes documentales, observación, en cada actividad
proyectada que se desarrolló al aplicar los instrumentos: fichas bibliográficas, cuestionario, el cual
estuvo constituido por preguntas para aprovechar los residuos.
En los recientes años, a causa del crecimiento acelerado de los sectores urbano e industrial y de los
diversos efectos ambientales de la inadecuada gestión de los residuos, la relevancia del
aprovechamiento de los residuos orgánicos ha empezado a adquirir mayor valor, ya que es preciso
Al considerar que los residuos orgánicos sólidos sirven para generar abonos orgánicos, en especial el
compost, y que en la agricultura supone un método alternativo que contribuye a disminuir los
problemas de deterioro ambiental provocados por la concentración de residuos orgánicos procedentes
de distintas actividades productivas, el presente trabajo propone la producción de compost con
residuos orgánicos sólidos domiciliarios en Parcona.
The present investigation entitled "Management of household organic solid waste for the production of compost, in the district of Parcona, Ica, 2022", started from the following problem: How to manage household organic solid waste for the production of compost, in the district of Parcona, Ica, 2022? The general objective was to manage household organic solid waste for the production of compost, in the district of Parcona, Ica, 2022. The population will be made up of the inhabitants of the District of Parcona The method used in the research was the longitudinal-descriptive type, with an experimental research design of a descriptive level, which collected the information in a specific period, the technique used was the analysis of documentary sources, observation, in each projected activity that was developed. when applying the instruments: bibliographic records, questionnaire, which consisted of questions to take advantage of the residues. In recent years, due to the accelerated growth of the urban and industrial sectors and the various environmental effects of inadequate waste management, the relevance of the use of organic waste has begun to acquire greater value, since it is necessary to reuse it. Considering that solid organic waste is used to generate organic fertilizers, especially compost, and that in agriculture it represents an alternative method that contributes to reducing the problems of environmental deterioration caused by the concentration of organic waste from different productive activities, the This work proposes the production of compost with household solid organic waste in Parcona.
The present investigation entitled "Management of household organic solid waste for the production of compost, in the district of Parcona, Ica, 2022", started from the following problem: How to manage household organic solid waste for the production of compost, in the district of Parcona, Ica, 2022? The general objective was to manage household organic solid waste for the production of compost, in the district of Parcona, Ica, 2022. The population will be made up of the inhabitants of the District of Parcona The method used in the research was the longitudinal-descriptive type, with an experimental research design of a descriptive level, which collected the information in a specific period, the technique used was the analysis of documentary sources, observation, in each projected activity that was developed. when applying the instruments: bibliographic records, questionnaire, which consisted of questions to take advantage of the residues. In recent years, due to the accelerated growth of the urban and industrial sectors and the various environmental effects of inadequate waste management, the relevance of the use of organic waste has begun to acquire greater value, since it is necessary to reuse it. Considering that solid organic waste is used to generate organic fertilizers, especially compost, and that in agriculture it represents an alternative method that contributes to reducing the problems of environmental deterioration caused by the concentration of organic waste from different productive activities, the This work proposes the production of compost with household solid organic waste in Parcona.
Palabras clave
Residuos sólidos, Compost, Residuos sólidos orgánicos, Residuos domiciliarios, Management, Solid waste