Obesidad asociado a mortalidad en pacientes con COVID-19 en el Hospital Félix Torrealva Gutiérrez de Ica - 2020
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
Determinar la asociación entre la obesidad y la mortalidad en pacientes
con COVID 19, en el Hospital Félix Torrealva Gutiérrez de Ica – 2020.
Estudio observacional, transversal, retrospectivo, descriptivo.
Se analizaron 516 ficha clínicas digitalizadas, de los cuales 258
correspondían a fallecidos y 258 a pacientes dados de alta. El 71.9% de las fichas clínicas
correspondían al sexo masculino, el rango de edad más frecuente son los de 50 a más
años con un 88.5%; la condición de obesidad se presentó en un 56.2% de la totalidad de
pacientes hospitalizados y con COVID 19; La obesidad en el sexo masculino es de un
56.1% y en el sexo femenino en un 56.6%; los mayores a 18 años presentan obesidad en
más del 50%; la mortalidad es ligeramente mayor en el sexo masculino con un 50.4%
frente a un 49.1% en el sexo femenino; la mortalidad por COVID 19 se presenta con un
55.3% en los pacientes mayores de 60 años; la mortalidad en pacientes obesos con
COVID 19 alcanzó un 59.3%; la asociación entre la obesidad y la mortalidad en pacientes
con COVID 19 se dio con un OR de 2.373 con un 95% de nivel de confianza.
La asociación entre la obesidad y la mortalidad en pacientes COVID
19 internados en el Hospital Félix Torrealva Gutiérrez, es positiva.
Determine the association between obesity and mortality in patients with COVID 19, at the Félix Torrealva Gutiérrez Hospital in Ica – 2020. Observational, cross-sectional, retrospective, descriptive study. 516 digitalized clinical records were analyzed, of which 258 corresponded to deceased patients and 258 to discharged patients. 71.9% of the clinical records corresponded to the male sex, the most common age range was those 50 or older with 88.5%; Obesity occurred in 56.2% of all hospitalized patients with COVID 19; Obesity in males is 56.1% and in females it is 56.6%; Those over 18 years of age are obese in more than 50%; Mortality is slightly higher in males with 50.4% compared to 49.1% in females; Mortality from COVID 19 occurs at 55.3% in patients over 60 years of age; mortality in obese patients with COVID 19 reached 59.3%; The association between obesity and mortality in patients with COVID 19 occurred with an OR of 2.373 with a 95% confidence level. The association between obesity and mortality in COVID 19 patients admitted to the Félix Torrealva Gutiérrez Hospital is positive.
Determine the association between obesity and mortality in patients with COVID 19, at the Félix Torrealva Gutiérrez Hospital in Ica – 2020. Observational, cross-sectional, retrospective, descriptive study. 516 digitalized clinical records were analyzed, of which 258 corresponded to deceased patients and 258 to discharged patients. 71.9% of the clinical records corresponded to the male sex, the most common age range was those 50 or older with 88.5%; Obesity occurred in 56.2% of all hospitalized patients with COVID 19; Obesity in males is 56.1% and in females it is 56.6%; Those over 18 years of age are obese in more than 50%; Mortality is slightly higher in males with 50.4% compared to 49.1% in females; Mortality from COVID 19 occurs at 55.3% in patients over 60 years of age; mortality in obese patients with COVID 19 reached 59.3%; The association between obesity and mortality in patients with COVID 19 occurred with an OR of 2.373 with a 95% confidence level. The association between obesity and mortality in COVID 19 patients admitted to the Félix Torrealva Gutiérrez Hospital is positive.
Palabras clave
Obesidad, Mortalidad, COVID-19, Obesity, Mortality