Modelamiento del destilador solar de fibra de vidrio tipo caseta asimétrica y la desalinización de agua de mar en Ocucaje, Ica, 2022
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
Objetivo del estudio fue determinar el modelamiento del destilador solar de fibra de
vidrio tipo caseta asimétrica que contribuye significativamente en la desalinización del
agua de mar en Ocucaje, Ica, 2022. Estrategia metodológica, el estudio realizado fue de
tipo observacional-prospectivo-transversal, nivel explicativo, diseño experimental, la
investigación aplicada. Resultados, a través de un cuidadoso cálculo del “volumen de
agua de mar a cargar diariamente, con un área de destilador solar” de 0.36 m2
y una altura
de agua de 0.05 m, se logró obtener un volumen de agua purificada de 0.681 ml en un
período de 8 horas de funcionamiento. Estos resultados indican que el destilador solar es
capaz de proporcionar una solución viable y eficiente “para la desalinización del agua de
mar” en esa área específica. Discusión, la eficacia en la purificación del agua de mar
resulta significativa, sobre todo en un contexto de escasez de agua dulce en numerosas
áreas costeras. La utilización de la energía solar como fuente de calor y desinfección se
presenta como una alternativa sostenible y rentable “para la obtención de agua potable a
partir del agua de mar”. Es esencial tener en cuenta que estos hallazgos son específicos
para el distrito de Ocucaje y podrían variar en distintas ubicaciones y condiciones
climáticas. Por consiguiente, es imperativo llevar a cabo un análisis exhaustivo y ajustar
los parámetros del destilador solar de acuerdo con las características particulares del
entorno en el que se pretenda implementar. Conclusión, los resultados evidenciaron la
capacidad de esta tecnología como una solución eficaz y de largo plazo “para la
producción de agua potable a partir del agua de mar en la región costera”.
Objective of the study was to determine the modeling of the asymmetrical hut-type fiberglass solar still that contributes significantly to the desalination of seawater in Ocucaje, Ica, 2022. Methodological strategy, the study carried out was observationalprospective-transversal, level explanatory, experimental design, applied research. Results, through a careful calculation of the volume of seawater to be loaded daily, with a solar still area of 0.36 m2 and a water height of 0.05 m, it was possible to obtain a volume of purified water of 0.681 ml in a period 8 hours of operation. These results indicate that the solar still is capable of providing a viable and efficient solution for seawater desalination in that specific area. Discussion, the effectiveness in seawater purification is significant, especially in a context of scarcity of fresh water in numerous coastal areas. The use of solar energy as a source of heat and disinfection is presented as a sustainable and profitable alternative for obtaining drinking water from seawater. It is essential to note that these findings are specific to the Ocucaje district and could vary in different locations and climatic conditions. Therefore, it is imperative to carry out a thorough analysis and adjust the parameters of the solar still according to the particular characteristics of the environment in which it is intended to be implemented. Conclusion, the results showed the capacity of this technology as an effective and long-term solution for the production of drinking water from seawater in the coastal region.
Objective of the study was to determine the modeling of the asymmetrical hut-type fiberglass solar still that contributes significantly to the desalination of seawater in Ocucaje, Ica, 2022. Methodological strategy, the study carried out was observationalprospective-transversal, level explanatory, experimental design, applied research. Results, through a careful calculation of the volume of seawater to be loaded daily, with a solar still area of 0.36 m2 and a water height of 0.05 m, it was possible to obtain a volume of purified water of 0.681 ml in a period 8 hours of operation. These results indicate that the solar still is capable of providing a viable and efficient solution for seawater desalination in that specific area. Discussion, the effectiveness in seawater purification is significant, especially in a context of scarcity of fresh water in numerous coastal areas. The use of solar energy as a source of heat and disinfection is presented as a sustainable and profitable alternative for obtaining drinking water from seawater. It is essential to note that these findings are specific to the Ocucaje district and could vary in different locations and climatic conditions. Therefore, it is imperative to carry out a thorough analysis and adjust the parameters of the solar still according to the particular characteristics of the environment in which it is intended to be implemented. Conclusion, the results showed the capacity of this technology as an effective and long-term solution for the production of drinking water from seawater in the coastal region.
Palabras clave
Modelamiento, Destilador solar, Caseta asimétrica, Desalinización, Agua de mar, Seawater desalination