Estilo de vida y riesgo cardiovascular en el personal de salud del Centro de Salud San Joaquín, Ica - 2023
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
El presente estudio tuvo por Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre el estilo de vida y el riesgo
cardiovascular en el personal de Salud del Centro de Salud San Joaquín, Ica – 2023. Material y
métodos: De tipo cuantitativo, transversal, relacional y de diseño no experimental-correlacional,
con muestra de 52 profesionales, como instrumentos se utilizó el test de estilo de vida PEPS-I, y
Score de Framingham de evaluación del riesgo cardiovascular. Resultados: La prueba de chi
cuadrado halló relación entre las variables (p=0.002), observándose que el nivel intermedio de
riesgo cardiovascular fue significativo o mayor en quienes presentaron estilo de vida no saludable
(9.6%). En forma global la mayoría presentó estilo de vida saludable 71.2%, por dimensiones
predominó el nivel saludable en nutrición 61.5%, responsabilidad en salud 78.9%, manejo del
estrés 73.1%, soporte interpersonal 55.7% y autoactualización (63.5%); el estilo de vida no
saludable fue predominante en la dimensión actividad física (50.0%). El riesgo cardiovascular fue
de nivel bajo en el 82.7%, por indicadores la mayoría presentó parámetros adecuados en cuanto a
la edad para riesgo cardiovascular (menor de 45 años) 76.9%, no ser fumador 67.3%, glucosa
normal 88.5%. colesterol total menor de 200 mg/dl 59.6%, colesterol HDL adecuado 71.2%, y
presión arterial menor de 140/90 mmHg 94.2%. Conclusiones: El estilo de vida se relaciona
significativamente con el riesgo cardiovascular en el personal de salud del Centro de Salud San
Joaquín, Ica – 2023.
The study had the Objective: To determine the relationship between lifestyle and cardiovascular risk in the Health personnel of the San Joaquín Health Center, Ica – 2023. Material and methods: Quantitative, transversal, relational and non-experimental-correlational design, with sample of 52 professionals, the PEPS-I lifestyle test and the Framingham Score for cardiovascular risk assessment were used as instruments. Results: The chi square test found a relationship between the variables (p=0.002), observing that the intermediate level of cardiovascular risk was significant or higher in those who had an unhealthy lifestyle (9.6%). Overall, the majority presented a healthy lifestyle 71.2%, by dimensions the healthy level predominated in nutrition 61.5%, health responsibility 78.9%, stress management 73.1%, interpersonal support 55.7% and self-actualization (63.5%); The unhealthy lifestyle was predominant in the physical activity dimension (50.0%). The cardiovascular risk was at a low level in 82.7%, by indicators the majority presented adequate parameters in terms of age for cardiovascular risk (under 45 years) 76.9%, non-smoker 67.3%, normal glucose 88.5%. total cholesterol less than 200 mg/dl 59.6%, adequate HDL cholesterol 71.2%, and blood pressure less than 140/90 mmHg 94.2%. Conclusions: Lifestyle is significantly related to cardiovascular risk in health personnel at the San Joaquín Health Center, Ica – 2023.
The study had the Objective: To determine the relationship between lifestyle and cardiovascular risk in the Health personnel of the San Joaquín Health Center, Ica – 2023. Material and methods: Quantitative, transversal, relational and non-experimental-correlational design, with sample of 52 professionals, the PEPS-I lifestyle test and the Framingham Score for cardiovascular risk assessment were used as instruments. Results: The chi square test found a relationship between the variables (p=0.002), observing that the intermediate level of cardiovascular risk was significant or higher in those who had an unhealthy lifestyle (9.6%). Overall, the majority presented a healthy lifestyle 71.2%, by dimensions the healthy level predominated in nutrition 61.5%, health responsibility 78.9%, stress management 73.1%, interpersonal support 55.7% and self-actualization (63.5%); The unhealthy lifestyle was predominant in the physical activity dimension (50.0%). The cardiovascular risk was at a low level in 82.7%, by indicators the majority presented adequate parameters in terms of age for cardiovascular risk (under 45 years) 76.9%, non-smoker 67.3%, normal glucose 88.5%. total cholesterol less than 200 mg/dl 59.6%, adequate HDL cholesterol 71.2%, and blood pressure less than 140/90 mmHg 94.2%. Conclusions: Lifestyle is significantly related to cardiovascular risk in health personnel at the San Joaquín Health Center, Ica – 2023.
Palabras clave
Estilo de vida, Riesgo cardiovascular, Personal de salud, Lifestyle