La comunicación externa y la satisfacción del usuario de la Municipalidad Distrital de Salas Guadalupe, Ica - 2023
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
Las gestiones municipales ofrecen diversos servicios hacia la comunidad, esto permite establecer
una percepción de la satisfacción o insatisfacción de los usuarios. En ese sentido, el propósito se
basa en determinar la comunicación externa y la satisfacción del usuario de la municipalidad
distrital de Salas Guadalupe, Ica – 2023. Como método se estableció que esta investigación es de
tipo básica de nivel descriptivo, de diseño no experimental transeccional y con un enfoque
cuantitativo. Asimismo, se utilizó la técnica de la encuesta y el cuestionario como instrumento. Se
apreció a nivel de resultados que las diversas acciones de comunicación externa han permito
diseñar contenidos (mensaje, productos) para mantener una relación con los usuarios, brindando
una imagen, que se vinculan con los servicios que se ofrecen. En el caso de la satisfacción del
usuario esta se percibe como satisfactoria, vinculada con mejoras dentro de la experiencia de la
atención. Se concluye que, se logra determinar la existencia de una comunicación externa
significativa y una satisfacción del usuario positiva en la municipalidad distrital de Salas
Guadalupe. En ese sentido, la municipalidad gestiona las diversas dimensiones vinculadas a la
comunicación externa, como son la operatividad, la estratégica y la notoriedad frente a lo que se
brinda a la población, principalmente a los usuarios. Asimismo, se pudo demostrar que las
satisfacciones de los usuarios se vinculan con sus dimensiones, generando que esa satisfacción se
refleje en las expectativas, las percepciones, la atención de quejas, la conformidad del servicio y la
información que se brinde sobre las diversas demandas o tramites que se realizan.
Municipal administrations offer various services to the community, this allows establishing a perception of the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of users. In that sense, the purpose is based on determining the external communication and user satisfaction of the district municipality of Salas Guadalupe, Ica - 2023. As a method, it was established that this research is of a basic descriptive level, with a non-experimental transectional design. and with a quantitative approach. Likewise, the survey technique and the questionnaire were used as an instrument. It was appreciated at the level of results that the various external communication actions have made it possible to design content (message, products) to maintain a relationship with users, providing an image that is linked to the services offered. In the case of user satisfaction, this is perceived as satisfactory, linked to improvements within the care experience. It is concluded that it is possible to determine the existence of significant external communication and positive user satisfaction in the district municipality of Salas Guadalupe. In this sense, the municipality manages the various dimensions linked to external communication, such as operation, strategy and notoriety regarding what is provided to the population, mainly to users. Likewise, it was possible to demonstrate that user satisfaction is linked to its dimensions, generating that satisfaction is reflected in expectations, perceptions, attention to complaints, conformity of the service and the information provided about the various demands or procedures that are carried out.
Municipal administrations offer various services to the community, this allows establishing a perception of the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of users. In that sense, the purpose is based on determining the external communication and user satisfaction of the district municipality of Salas Guadalupe, Ica - 2023. As a method, it was established that this research is of a basic descriptive level, with a non-experimental transectional design. and with a quantitative approach. Likewise, the survey technique and the questionnaire were used as an instrument. It was appreciated at the level of results that the various external communication actions have made it possible to design content (message, products) to maintain a relationship with users, providing an image that is linked to the services offered. In the case of user satisfaction, this is perceived as satisfactory, linked to improvements within the care experience. It is concluded that it is possible to determine the existence of significant external communication and positive user satisfaction in the district municipality of Salas Guadalupe. In this sense, the municipality manages the various dimensions linked to external communication, such as operation, strategy and notoriety regarding what is provided to the population, mainly to users. Likewise, it was possible to demonstrate that user satisfaction is linked to its dimensions, generating that satisfaction is reflected in expectations, perceptions, attention to complaints, conformity of the service and the information provided about the various demands or procedures that are carried out.
Palabras clave
Comunicación externa, Satisfacción usuaria, Municipalidad, Percepciones, User satisfaction