Propuesta de un plan de gestión ambiental para el tratamiento de aguas residuales industriales generado por una planta conservera, distrito de San Andrés, Pisco, 2022
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
La actividad pesquera, es un sector industrial de gran desarrollo económico, pero que produce
contaminación ambiental por las aguas residuales que genera en sus diferentes actividades
productivas como la extracción y de procesamiento. Por lo que, el objetivo de la investigación
planteado fue: Diseñar la propuesta de un plan de gestión ambiental en el tratamiento de aguas
residuales industriales generado por una Planta Conservera, Distrito de San Andrés, Pisco, 2022.
La estrategia metodológica de la investigación es de tipo y nivel descriptivo y diseño no
experimental. Se ha determinado la muestra en relación al sistema de tratamiento de aguas
residuales de la empresa, asimismo, se ha encuestado de manera probabilista a ciento veinte
trabajadores. La técnica que se ha utilizado es la observación y como instrumento, una encuesta
compuesta de diez preguntas. Se ha diseñado una propuesta de un Plan de Gestión Ambiental,
para el cumplimiento de la legislación ambiental con la finalidad de que el vertido de residuales
industriales sea controlado. Los resultados de la encuesta, determinaron que el 43,33% de los
trabajadores señalaron que si tienen conocimiento del volumen de agua dulce que se emplea en
la planta conservera, el 39,16% a veces y el 17,5% indica que no, asimismo el 50,83% de los
trabajadores señalaron que si tienen conocimiento de los estándares y normativas en relación a
las aguas residuales, el 32,5% indican que no y el 16,66% a veces.
The fishing activity is an industrial sector of great economic development, but it produces environmental pollution due to the wastewater it generates in its different productive activities such as extraction and processing. Therefore, the objective of the research was: Design the proposal for an environmental management plan in the treatment of industrial wastewater generated by a Canning Plant, District of San Andrés, Pisco, 2022. The methodological strategy of the research is of type and descriptive level and non-experimental design. The sample has been determined in relation to the company's wastewater treatment system; likewise, one hundred and twenty workers have been surveyed in a probabilistic manner. The technique that has been used is observation and as an instrument, a survey composed of ten questions. A proposal for an Environmental Management Plan has been designed for compliance with environmental legislation in order to control the discharge of industrial waste. The results of the survey determined that 43.33% of the workers indicated that if they are aware of the volume of fresh water used in the canning plant, 39.16% sometimes and 17.5% indicate that they do not. Likewise, 50.83% of the workers indicated that if they are aware of the standards and regulations in relation to wastewater, 32.5% indicate that they do not and 16.66% sometimes.
The fishing activity is an industrial sector of great economic development, but it produces environmental pollution due to the wastewater it generates in its different productive activities such as extraction and processing. Therefore, the objective of the research was: Design the proposal for an environmental management plan in the treatment of industrial wastewater generated by a Canning Plant, District of San Andrés, Pisco, 2022. The methodological strategy of the research is of type and descriptive level and non-experimental design. The sample has been determined in relation to the company's wastewater treatment system; likewise, one hundred and twenty workers have been surveyed in a probabilistic manner. The technique that has been used is observation and as an instrument, a survey composed of ten questions. A proposal for an Environmental Management Plan has been designed for compliance with environmental legislation in order to control the discharge of industrial waste. The results of the survey determined that 43.33% of the workers indicated that if they are aware of the volume of fresh water used in the canning plant, 39.16% sometimes and 17.5% indicate that they do not. Likewise, 50.83% of the workers indicated that if they are aware of the standards and regulations in relation to wastewater, 32.5% indicate that they do not and 16.66% sometimes.
Palabras clave
Planta de conservas, Proceso productivo, Aguas residuales, Pollution, Wastewater