Automatización del proceso de presentación de expedientes y solicitudes de proyectos y obras en empresa de distribución eléctrica
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
El presente trabajo de suficiencia profesional detalla la problemática que empezó a tener Electro
Dunas S. A.A. frente a la pandemia de COVID – 19, esta problemática es que los clientes no
podían presentar sus solicitudes de proyectos y obras de manera presencial ya que la
documentación se tenía que entregar era de manera física, este proceso demandaba un gran
desgaste de tiempo así como el desgaste de hojas, es por ello que se implementó una herramienta
de centralización de información y de ayuda al cliente en que pueda presentar su documentación
de manera virtual, logrando la automatización de este proceso. Para poder lograr este objetivo se
utilizó la metodología ágil SCRUM para poder gestionar los recursos y tiempos, gestor de base
de datos PL/SQL Oracle vinculado a la herramienta .Net, los resultados que se dieron luego de la
implementación del sistema fueron los satisfactorios ya que se reduzco los tiempos de atención y
la disposición de información a evaluar.
The present work of professional sufficiency details the problems that Electro Dunas S. A.A. began to have. Faced with the COVID - 19 pandemic, this problem is that clients could not submit their requests for projects and works in person since the documentation had to be delivered physically, this process demanded a great deal of time as well as the wear and tear of sheets, which is why a tool for centralizing information and customer support was implemented in which they can present their documentation virtually, achieving the automation of this process. In order to achieve this objective, the agile SCRUM methodology was used to manage resources and times, a PL/SQL Oracle database manager linked to the .Net tool, the results that occurred after the implementation of the system were already satisfactory. that the attention times and the disposition of information to be evaluated are reduced.
The present work of professional sufficiency details the problems that Electro Dunas S. A.A. began to have. Faced with the COVID - 19 pandemic, this problem is that clients could not submit their requests for projects and works in person since the documentation had to be delivered physically, this process demanded a great deal of time as well as the wear and tear of sheets, which is why a tool for centralizing information and customer support was implemented in which they can present their documentation virtually, achieving the automation of this process. In order to achieve this objective, the agile SCRUM methodology was used to manage resources and times, a PL/SQL Oracle database manager linked to the .Net tool, the results that occurred after the implementation of the system were already satisfactory. that the attention times and the disposition of information to be evaluated are reduced.
Palabras clave
SCRUM, PL/SQL Oracle, Automatización