Evaluación y percepción social de la contaminación sonora y su relación con la calidad de vida de la población del distrito de Ica, 2022
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
El estudio se realizó con la finalidad Objetivo: Determinar la evaluación y percepción social de
la contaminación sonora y su relación con la calidad de vida de la población del Distrito de Ica,
2022, por el cual se realizó de acuerdo a los lineamientos establecidos de la siguiente
metodología, el estudio fue de tipo y nivel descriptivo de corte transversal y de diseño no
experimental, al concluir con la investigación se obtuvieron los siguientes Resultados, Los
hallazgos de esta investigación determinaron que la población tiene una percepción social
negativa frente a los efectos que genera en su calidad de vida por las sintomatologías
presentadas a causa del alto ruido en las zonas investigadas. Esta situación quedó demostrada
con la relación fuerte demostrada con el valor de r obtenido de 0,834 y con un p-valor de 0,000.
Se demostró que existe una relación inversa, es decir a mayor nivel de ruido será menor la
calidad de vida, este resultado obtenido del p-valor 0,001, este resultado confirma los sostenido
por Perea (2014) quien señaló que la población indica una percepción regular y negativa. Por
otro lado, Meza (2020) encontró exceso de niveles de ruido, originando una problemática de
contaminación auditiva. Se halló que existe una relación moderada y positiva entre el nivel de
contaminación sonora con la calidad de vida y con el valor r = 0,684 y el p-valor 0,000,
resultado que confirma lo sostenido por Castillo (2019) quien sostuvo que no se cumple los
estándares de calidad ambiental. Por lo que se llego a la Conclusión, Se determinó que, a partir
de la evaluación y percepción social de la contaminación sonora y su relación con la calidad de
vida de la población del Distrito de Ica, se han encontrado que la mayoría de pobladores
encuestados y que permanecían en casa son del sexo femenino, jóvenes con grado de
instrucción superior, quienes se encuentran viviendo por la zona mas de cinco años, que no
saben interponer su queja ante el excesivo ruido y no conoce de las normas o leyes que regulan
el ruido; sin embargo la mayoría tienen una moderada sensibilidad al ruido, generándoles
bastante perturbación, identificándose que el ruido proviene en su gran mayoría del transporte
público y entre 12 a 14 horas. Asimismo, se presenta dolor de cabeza frecuentemente, también
se quejan frecuentemente de presentar irritabilidad y ansiedad / estrés, además se evaluó las
zonas que presentan mayor nivel de contaminación sonora, identificándose al cruce de la
Urbanización Puente Blanco con la Av. Los Maestros y dentro de las zonas comerciales se logró
identificar a la zona de la Av. Municipalidad con el cruce de JJ. Elías, sin embargo, todas las
zonas investigadas sobrepasaron los límites permitidos con niveles mayores de 60 dB en caso de
las zonas residenciales y niveles mayores a 70 dB en caso de las zonas comerciales, por lo tanto,
se concluye que no cumplen con las normas vigentes, así mismo los niveles de contaminación
sonora se encuentran en un rango alto en las zonas investigadas porque son consideradas zonas
de alto acceso vehicular y comercial, generando impacto negativo frente a la calidad de vida de
la población iqueña.
The study was carried out with the purpose Objective: To determine the evaluation and social perception of noise pollution and its relationship with the quality of life of the population of the District of Ica, 2022, by which it was carried out according to the established guidelines of the following methodology, the study was of type and descriptive level of cross-sectional cut and non-experimental design, At the conclusion of the research, the following results were obtained, The findings of this research determined that the population has a negative social perception of the effects it generates on their quality of life due to the symptoms presented due to the high noise in the areas investigated. This situation was demonstrated by the strong relationship demonstrated with the value of r obtained of 0.834 and with a p-value of 0.000. It was shown that there is an inverse relationship, that is, the higher the noise level the quality of life will be lower, this result obtained from the p-value 0.001, this result confirms those held by Perea (2014) who pointed out that the population indicates a regular and negative perception. On the other hand, Meza (2020) found excess noise levels, causing a problem of noise pollution. It was found that there is a moderate and positive relationship between the level of noise pollution with the quality of life and with the value r = 0.684 and the p-value 0.000, a result that confirms what was maintained by Castillo (2019) who argued that environmental quality standards are not met. Therefore, it was determined that, from the evaluation and social perception of noise pollution and its relationship with the quality of life of the population of the District of Ica, it has been found that the majority of residents surveyed and who remained at home are female. young people with a higher education, who are living in the area for more than five years, who do not know how to file their complaint about excessive noise and do not know the rules or laws that regulate noise; However, most have a moderate sensitivity to noise, generating a lot of disturbance, identifying that the noise comes mostly from public transport and between 12 to 14 hours. Also, headache occurs frequently, they also frequently complain of irritability and anxiety / stress, in addition the areas that have the highest level of noise pollution were evaluated, identifying the intersection of Av. Cutervo with Av. Los Maestros and within the commercial zones it was possible to identify the area of Av. San Martin with the intersection of Huánuco Street, however, all the areas investigated exceeded the permitted limits with levels greater than 60 dB in the case of residential areas and levels greater than 70 dB in the case of commercial areas, Therefore, it is concluded that they do not comply with current regulations, likewise the levels of noise pollution are in a high range in the areas investigated because they are considered areas of high vehicular and commercial access, generating negative impact on the quality of life of the population of Ica.
The study was carried out with the purpose Objective: To determine the evaluation and social perception of noise pollution and its relationship with the quality of life of the population of the District of Ica, 2022, by which it was carried out according to the established guidelines of the following methodology, the study was of type and descriptive level of cross-sectional cut and non-experimental design, At the conclusion of the research, the following results were obtained, The findings of this research determined that the population has a negative social perception of the effects it generates on their quality of life due to the symptoms presented due to the high noise in the areas investigated. This situation was demonstrated by the strong relationship demonstrated with the value of r obtained of 0.834 and with a p-value of 0.000. It was shown that there is an inverse relationship, that is, the higher the noise level the quality of life will be lower, this result obtained from the p-value 0.001, this result confirms those held by Perea (2014) who pointed out that the population indicates a regular and negative perception. On the other hand, Meza (2020) found excess noise levels, causing a problem of noise pollution. It was found that there is a moderate and positive relationship between the level of noise pollution with the quality of life and with the value r = 0.684 and the p-value 0.000, a result that confirms what was maintained by Castillo (2019) who argued that environmental quality standards are not met. Therefore, it was determined that, from the evaluation and social perception of noise pollution and its relationship with the quality of life of the population of the District of Ica, it has been found that the majority of residents surveyed and who remained at home are female. young people with a higher education, who are living in the area for more than five years, who do not know how to file their complaint about excessive noise and do not know the rules or laws that regulate noise; However, most have a moderate sensitivity to noise, generating a lot of disturbance, identifying that the noise comes mostly from public transport and between 12 to 14 hours. Also, headache occurs frequently, they also frequently complain of irritability and anxiety / stress, in addition the areas that have the highest level of noise pollution were evaluated, identifying the intersection of Av. Cutervo with Av. Los Maestros and within the commercial zones it was possible to identify the area of Av. San Martin with the intersection of Huánuco Street, however, all the areas investigated exceeded the permitted limits with levels greater than 60 dB in the case of residential areas and levels greater than 70 dB in the case of commercial areas, Therefore, it is concluded that they do not comply with current regulations, likewise the levels of noise pollution are in a high range in the areas investigated because they are considered areas of high vehicular and commercial access, generating negative impact on the quality of life of the population of Ica.
Palabras clave
Contaminación sonora, Calidad de vida, Población