El uso de Matlab en el curso de matemática avanzada y su influencia en el rendimiento académico en los estudiantes de la Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica Eléctrica y Electrónica de la Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga, 2023
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga. Vicerrectorado de Investigación. Instituto de Investigación
El objetivo de la investigación es probar de qué manera influye la aplicación del software Matlab
en desarrollo del curso de Matemática Avanzada en la facultad de FIME y su influencia en el
rendimiento académico en los estudiantes de la Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica Eléctrica y
Electrónica de la Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga.
El tipo de investigación es no experimental descriptivo, con un diseño cuasi experimental, es decir
con una “prueba inicial y prueba final”, en la cual usamos el método cuantitativo, teniendo una
población de 47 estudiantes donde se tomó una muestra de 40 conformándose dos grupos de
estudio, para el grupo de control 20 estudiantes y 20 estudiantes al grupo experimental, donde se
aplicó una prueba inicial y una prueba final evaluando en primer lugar el algebra lineal viendo la
aplicación de las matrices, seguidamente el desarrollo de las ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias
de primer y segundo orden viendo los métodos de solución, además el desarrollo de la
transformada de Laplace y por último la aplicación de los principales modelos matemáticos, los
resultados obtenidos en la prueba final el grupo experimental en la media de sus calificaciones se
incrementó de 7.33 a 14.8, comparando con la media del grupo de control que fue de 6.4 a 10.73
En la investigación se consideró un nivel de significancia del 5% y un nivel de confianza del 95%,
se utilizó el Excel para el análisis inferencial y la prueba de t de Student para las pruebas
relacionadas en donde se obtuvo un 𝑡𝑐 = 4.74 lo cual rechaza la hipótesis nula y se acepta la
hipótesis alternativa 𝐻1,donde podemos afirmar que, el uso de Matlab en el curso de Matemática
Avanzada influye significativamente en el rendimiento académico en los estudiantes de la
Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica Eléctrica y Electrónica de la Universidad Nacional San Luis
Gonzaga, 2023.
The objective of the research is to demonstrate how the application of the Laplace transform in an automatic control model influences learning in students of the Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Mechanical Engineering of the San Luis Gonzaga National University. The type of research is non-experimental descriptive, with a quasi-experimental design, that is, with "initial test - final test", in which we use the quantitative method, having a population of 45 students where a sample of 40 was taken, forming two groups. study, for the control group 20 students and 20 students to the experimental group, where an initial test and a final test were applied evaluating the transformation of a physical model to a mathematical model through differential equations, the development of a differential equation through the Laplace transform and the study of the behavior of the simulation and control, the results obtained in the final test the experimental group in the mean of their qualifications increased from 7.33 to 14.8, compared with the mean of the control group which was 6.4. at 10.73 In the investigation, a significance level of 5% and a confidence level of 95% were considered, Excel was used for the inferential analysis and Student's t test for the related tests where a t_c=4.74 was obtained, which rejects the null hypothesis and accepts the alternative hypothesis H_1, where we can affirm that the application of the Laplace transform in a model of automatic control in learning in the students of the faculty of mechanical, electrical and electronic engineering of the national university San Luis Gonzaga.
The objective of the research is to demonstrate how the application of the Laplace transform in an automatic control model influences learning in students of the Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Mechanical Engineering of the San Luis Gonzaga National University. The type of research is non-experimental descriptive, with a quasi-experimental design, that is, with "initial test - final test", in which we use the quantitative method, having a population of 45 students where a sample of 40 was taken, forming two groups. study, for the control group 20 students and 20 students to the experimental group, where an initial test and a final test were applied evaluating the transformation of a physical model to a mathematical model through differential equations, the development of a differential equation through the Laplace transform and the study of the behavior of the simulation and control, the results obtained in the final test the experimental group in the mean of their qualifications increased from 7.33 to 14.8, compared with the mean of the control group which was 6.4. at 10.73 In the investigation, a significance level of 5% and a confidence level of 95% were considered, Excel was used for the inferential analysis and Student's t test for the related tests where a t_c=4.74 was obtained, which rejects the null hypothesis and accepts the alternative hypothesis H_1, where we can affirm that the application of the Laplace transform in a model of automatic control in learning in the students of the faculty of mechanical, electrical and electronic engineering of the national university San Luis Gonzaga.
Palabras clave
Matlab, Matemática avanzada, Rendimiento académico, Learning