Factores epidemiológicos y clínicos de la menopausia en mujeres que acuden al Hospital Regional de Ica 2024
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
Determinar los factores epidemiológicos y clínicos de la menopausia en mujeres que
acuden al Hospital Regional de Ica 2024.
Metodología. Estudio de tipo observacional, transversal, prospectiva y descriptiva, de enfoque
cuantitativo, nivel descriptivo, en una muestra de 108 pacientes que presentaron menopausia, a
quienes se les encuestó y cuyos datos fueron procesados en el programa estadístico SPSS v24 y
los resultados presentados con 95% de confianza. Resultados: El inicio de la menarquia ocurrió
antes de los 12 años de edad en el 38% de los casos y de 12 años a más en el 62% de las pacientes,
el 19,4% de las pacientes la menopausia sucedió entre los años 45 a 48 años, mientras que del
40,7% ocurrió entre los 49 a 52 años y en el 39,9% entre los 53 a 55 años de edad, la edad de las
pacientes fue de 47 a 51 años en el 5,6% de los casos, entre 52 a 56 años en el 64,8% y entre 57
a 60 años en el 29,6% de los casos, el 15,7% de las pacientes tuvieron primaria, el 38,9% tuvieron
secundaria y el 45,4% tuvieron grado de instrucción superior, el 12% eran amas de casa, 56,5%
tuvieron trabajo independiente y el 31,5% tuvieron trabajo dependiente, el 55,6% de las pacientes
procedieron de Ica distrito, el 44,4% procedieron de otros distritos de Ica, el 19,4% de las
pacientes manifestaron que los síntomas de la menopausia se iniciaron entre los 43 a 46 años, en
tanto que el 32,4% lo tuvo entre los 47 a 50 años y el 48,1% entre los 51 a 55 años, el 17,6% de
las pacientes mencionó que la intensidad de los síntomas fue leve, el 50% lo percibió como
moderado y el 32,4% como severo, el 18,5% de las pacientes manifestaron haber tenido
tratamiento sustitutivo hormonal, el 90,7% tuvo irregularidades en la menstruación, sofocos el
80,6%, sudoración nocturna el 70,4%, sequedad de la vagina el 58,3%, cambios de humor el
46,3%, disminución de la libido el 44,4%, problemas de memoria el 37% y problemas en el sueño
el 27,8%.
Conclusión. Los factores epidemiológicos y clínicos caracterizan a la menopausia en mujeres que
acuden al Hospital Regional de Ica 2024.
To determine the epidemiological and clinical factors of menopause in women attending the Regional Hospital of Ica 2024. Methodology. This is an observational, cross-sectional, prospective and descriptive study, with a quantitative approach, descriptive level, in a sample of 108 patients who presented menopause, who were surveyed and whose data were processed in the statistical program SPSS v24 and the results presented with 95% confidence. Results: The onset of menarche occurred before 12 years of age in 38% of cases and 12 years or older in 62% of patients, 19.4% of patients menopause occurred between 45 and 48 years, while in 40.7% it occurred between 49 and 52 years and in 39.9% between 53 and 55 years of age, the age of the patients was 47 to 51 years in 5.6% of cases, between 52 and 56 years in 64.8% and between 57 and 60 years in 29.6% of cases, 15.7% of patients had primary education, 38.9% had secondary education and 45.4% had higher education, 12% were housewives, 56.5% had independent work and 11% were women. 31.5% had dependent jobs, 55.6% of the patients came from Ica district, 44.4% came from other districts of Ica, 19.4% of the patients stated that the symptoms of menopause began between 43 and 46 years, while 32.4% had it between 47 and 50 years and 48.1% between 51 and 55 years, 17.6% of the patients mentioned that the intensity of the symptoms was mild, 50% perceived it as moderate and 32.4% as severe, 18.5% of the patients stated that they had had hormone replacement therapy, 90.7% had irregularities in menstruation, hot flashes 80.6%, night sweats 70.4%, vaginal dryness 58.3%, mood swings 46.3%, decreased libido in 44.4%, memory problems in 37% and sleep problems in 27.8%. Conclusion. Epidemiological and clinical factors characterize menopause in women attending the Regional Hospital of Ica in 2024.
To determine the epidemiological and clinical factors of menopause in women attending the Regional Hospital of Ica 2024. Methodology. This is an observational, cross-sectional, prospective and descriptive study, with a quantitative approach, descriptive level, in a sample of 108 patients who presented menopause, who were surveyed and whose data were processed in the statistical program SPSS v24 and the results presented with 95% confidence. Results: The onset of menarche occurred before 12 years of age in 38% of cases and 12 years or older in 62% of patients, 19.4% of patients menopause occurred between 45 and 48 years, while in 40.7% it occurred between 49 and 52 years and in 39.9% between 53 and 55 years of age, the age of the patients was 47 to 51 years in 5.6% of cases, between 52 and 56 years in 64.8% and between 57 and 60 years in 29.6% of cases, 15.7% of patients had primary education, 38.9% had secondary education and 45.4% had higher education, 12% were housewives, 56.5% had independent work and 11% were women. 31.5% had dependent jobs, 55.6% of the patients came from Ica district, 44.4% came from other districts of Ica, 19.4% of the patients stated that the symptoms of menopause began between 43 and 46 years, while 32.4% had it between 47 and 50 years and 48.1% between 51 and 55 years, 17.6% of the patients mentioned that the intensity of the symptoms was mild, 50% perceived it as moderate and 32.4% as severe, 18.5% of the patients stated that they had had hormone replacement therapy, 90.7% had irregularities in menstruation, hot flashes 80.6%, night sweats 70.4%, vaginal dryness 58.3%, mood swings 46.3%, decreased libido in 44.4%, memory problems in 37% and sleep problems in 27.8%. Conclusion. Epidemiological and clinical factors characterize menopause in women attending the Regional Hospital of Ica in 2024.
Palabras clave
Factores epidemiológicos, Factores clínicos, Menopausia