Publicidad farmacéutica de antiinflamatorios no esteroideos y automedicación en usuarios que acuden a las boticas del distrito de Salas, Ica 2023
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
Determinar la relación que existe entre la publicidad farmacéutica y la automedicación con
antinflamatorios no esteroideos en usuarios que acuden a las boticas del distrito de Salas, Ica
Estudio de tipo aplicada, con un nivel descriptivo - correlacional y un diseño no experimental. La
muestra se obtuvo mediante un muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia, incluyendo a 280
habitantes del distrito de Salas que acuden a las 28 boticas del distrito.
El 59.64% de los participantes tienen entre 18 a 25 años de edad, el 52.14% son del género
masculino, y el 32.14% presentan secundaria completa; el antiinflamatorio de mayor consumo es
el paracetamol con el 41.79%, seguido del ibuprofeno correspondiente al 25.71%; el 80.36% de
los participantes se automedica con antiinflamatorios no esteroideos, de los cuales el 87.11% lo
hace por influencia de la publicidad farmacéutica, destacando el impacto de las propagandas
(73.98%) las cuales motivaron a la mayoría de los pobladores a consumir estos medicamentos.
Según el estadístico chi - cuadrado de Pearson se concluye que existe relación entre la publicidad
farmacéutica y la automedicación con antiinflamatorios no esteroideos en usuarios que acuden a
las boticas del distrito de Salas.
Determine the relationship that exists between pharmaceutical advertising and self-medication with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in users who go to pharmacies in the district of Salas, Ica 2023. Applied type study, with a descriptive-correlational level and a non-experimental design. The sample was obtained through non-probabilistic convenience sampling, including 280 inhabitants of the Salas district who go to the 28 pharmacies in the district. 59.64% of the participants are between 18 and 25 years old, 52.14% are male, and 32.14% have completed secondary school; the most consumed anti-inflammatory is paracetamol with 41.79%, followed by ibuprofen corresponding to 25.71%; 80.36% of the participants self-medicate with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, of which 87.11% do so due to the influence of pharmaceutical advertising, highlighting the impact of advertisements (73.98%) which motivated the majority of residents to consume these medications. According to Pearson's chi-square statistic, it is concluded that there is a relationship between pharmaceutical advertising and self-medication with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in users who go to pharmacies in the Salas district.
Determine the relationship that exists between pharmaceutical advertising and self-medication with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in users who go to pharmacies in the district of Salas, Ica 2023. Applied type study, with a descriptive-correlational level and a non-experimental design. The sample was obtained through non-probabilistic convenience sampling, including 280 inhabitants of the Salas district who go to the 28 pharmacies in the district. 59.64% of the participants are between 18 and 25 years old, 52.14% are male, and 32.14% have completed secondary school; the most consumed anti-inflammatory is paracetamol with 41.79%, followed by ibuprofen corresponding to 25.71%; 80.36% of the participants self-medicate with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, of which 87.11% do so due to the influence of pharmaceutical advertising, highlighting the impact of advertisements (73.98%) which motivated the majority of residents to consume these medications. According to Pearson's chi-square statistic, it is concluded that there is a relationship between pharmaceutical advertising and self-medication with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in users who go to pharmacies in the Salas district.
Palabras clave
Publicidad farmacéutica, Automedicación, Aintiinflamatorio, Pharmaceutical advertising