Obtención y caracterización de aceite de Lepidium peruvianum (maca roja)
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
Determinar los parámetros óptimos para obtener aceite de Lepidium peruvianum (maca roja)
y fijar las características de éste.
El material vegetal que se utilizó provino de la región Junín. Para la obtención de aceites
esenciales las personas utilizan dos métodos: método de reflujo y extracción Soxhlet. Siempre
se utiliza alcohol etílico como disolvente para encontrar una buena relación masa-volumen
de la muestra, teniendo en cuenta el tiempo de extracción.
Los mejores parámetros para la extracción por reflujo de aceite de maca roja son un peso de
muestra de 50,0 gramos, un volumen de disolvente de etanol de 400,0 ml y un tiempo de
reflujo de aproximadamente 4 horas. Para el método de extracción Soxhlet, los parámetros
óptimos fueron 50,0 g de muestra, 400,0 ml de disolvente y extracción durante 4 horas. Del
polvo seco y polvo molido se obtuvo un 11,91% de aceite por el método de reflujo y un
10,87% por el método de extracción Soxhlet, utilizándose ambos casos etanol como
El aceite de maca roja obtenido por ambos métodos tiene propiedades organolépticas típicas
de los aceites vegetales. Las propiedades físicas y químicas del aceite de maca roja obtenido
por ambos métodos indican que son aptos para uso humano.
Determine the optimal parameters to obtain Lepidium peruvianum (red maca) oil and establish its characteristics. The plant material that will be used will come from the Ica region. To obtain essential oils, people use two methods: reflux method and Soxhlet extraction. Ethyl alcohol is always used as a solvent to find a good mass-volume ratio of the sample, taking into account the extraction time. The best parameters for reflux extraction of red maca oil are a sample weight of 50.0 grams, an ethanol solvent volume of 400.0 mL, and a reflux time of approximately 4 hours. For the Soxhlet extraction method, the optimal parameters were 50.0 g of sample, 400.0 ml of solvent and extraction for 4 hours. From the dry powder and ground powder, 11.91% oil was obtained by the reflux method. and 10.87% by the Soxhlet extraction method, both cases using ethanol as a solvent. Poppy seed oil obtained by both methods has organoleptic properties typical of vegetable oils. The physical and chemical properties of red maca oil obtained by both methods indicate that they are suitable for human use.
Determine the optimal parameters to obtain Lepidium peruvianum (red maca) oil and establish its characteristics. The plant material that will be used will come from the Ica region. To obtain essential oils, people use two methods: reflux method and Soxhlet extraction. Ethyl alcohol is always used as a solvent to find a good mass-volume ratio of the sample, taking into account the extraction time. The best parameters for reflux extraction of red maca oil are a sample weight of 50.0 grams, an ethanol solvent volume of 400.0 mL, and a reflux time of approximately 4 hours. For the Soxhlet extraction method, the optimal parameters were 50.0 g of sample, 400.0 ml of solvent and extraction for 4 hours. From the dry powder and ground powder, 11.91% oil was obtained by the reflux method. and 10.87% by the Soxhlet extraction method, both cases using ethanol as a solvent. Poppy seed oil obtained by both methods has organoleptic properties typical of vegetable oils. The physical and chemical properties of red maca oil obtained by both methods indicate that they are suitable for human use.
Palabras clave
Aceites esenciales, Parámetros, Maca roja, Essential oils