Nivel de conocimiento sobre lactancia materna exclusiva en puérperas inmediatas en el Hospital Regional de Ica, 2023
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
Este estudio analiza el grado de conocimiento acerca de la lactancia materna exclusiva en
madres puérperas inmediatas atendidas en el Hospital Regional de Ica durante el año 2023. Se
utilizó una investigación cualitativa, descriptiva y no experimental, con encuestas aplicadas a
202 madres de un grupo muestral de 330. Halándose datos que revelaron un grado cognitivo
acerca de la alimentación láctea materna exclusiva se vio influenciado por factores
sociodemográficos como la condición conyugal, la ocupación y el grado académico alcanzado.
Estos valores de p para el estado civil (0.0220, χ² = 7.66) y la ocupación (0.0001, χ² = 18.07)
indicaron una relación significativa, mientras que el número de hijos (p = 0.8554, χ² = 1.33) y
la edad (p = 0.2626, χ² = 11.02) no presentaron asociaciones importantes. Además, el nivel
educativo mostró una correlación fuerte con el conocimiento sobre lactancia (p = 0.0000, χ² =
51.45), destacando que las madres con mayor nivel educativo demostraron mejores resultados.
Sin embargo, una alta frecuencia de femeninas presentó un grado cognitivo adecuado acerca
de la alimentación materno – infantil exclusiva en términos generales, especialmente sobre la
importancia de los primeros seis meses de lactancia, se observó que había deficiencias en
aspectos técnicos como la postura correcta y la frecuencia adecuada de la lactancia. Estas
deficiencias fueron más evidentes en madres jóvenes, desempleadas y con menor nivel
educativo. En conclusión, se crea la necesidad en el reforzamiento educativo técnico a cerca
del amamantamiento exclusivo, especialmente en estos grupos.
This study analyzes the level of knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding among immediate postpartum mothers attended at the Regional Hospital of Ica during 2023. A qualitative, descriptive, and non-experimental research approach was employed, using surveys administered to 202 mothers from a sample group of 330. The findings revealed that knowledge about exclusive maternal breastfeeding was influenced by sociodemographic factors such as marital status, occupation, and educational attainment. The p-values for marital status (0.0220, χ² = 7.66) and occupation (0.0001, χ² = 18.07) indicated a significant relationship, while the number of children (p = 0.8554, χ² = 1.33) and age (p = 0.2626, χ² = 11.02) showed no significant associations. Additionally, educational level exhibited a strong correlation with breastfeeding knowledge (p = 0.0000, χ² = 51.45), highlighting those mothers with higher education levels demonstrated better results. However, a large proportion of women displayed adequate cognitive levels regarding exclusive maternal infant feeding overall, particularly concerning the importance of the first six months of breastfeeding. Nonetheless, deficiencies were noted in technical aspects such as proper breastfeeding posture and adequate feeding frequency. These deficiencies were more pronounced among young, unemployed mothers with lower education levels. In conclusion, there is a need to strengthen technical educational efforts about exclusive breastfeeding, especially targeting these groups.
This study analyzes the level of knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding among immediate postpartum mothers attended at the Regional Hospital of Ica during 2023. A qualitative, descriptive, and non-experimental research approach was employed, using surveys administered to 202 mothers from a sample group of 330. The findings revealed that knowledge about exclusive maternal breastfeeding was influenced by sociodemographic factors such as marital status, occupation, and educational attainment. The p-values for marital status (0.0220, χ² = 7.66) and occupation (0.0001, χ² = 18.07) indicated a significant relationship, while the number of children (p = 0.8554, χ² = 1.33) and age (p = 0.2626, χ² = 11.02) showed no significant associations. Additionally, educational level exhibited a strong correlation with breastfeeding knowledge (p = 0.0000, χ² = 51.45), highlighting those mothers with higher education levels demonstrated better results. However, a large proportion of women displayed adequate cognitive levels regarding exclusive maternal infant feeding overall, particularly concerning the importance of the first six months of breastfeeding. Nonetheless, deficiencies were noted in technical aspects such as proper breastfeeding posture and adequate feeding frequency. These deficiencies were more pronounced among young, unemployed mothers with lower education levels. In conclusion, there is a need to strengthen technical educational efforts about exclusive breastfeeding, especially targeting these groups.
Palabras clave
Lactancia materna exclusiva, Puérpera