Impacto ambiental del botadero Patapampa controlado del material reciclable en el distrito de Pauza, Paucar del Sara Sara - Ayacucho, 2022
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
Hoy en día, la disposición final de los residuos sólidos está generando impactos
ambientales, ya que estos residuos se disponen inadecuadamente sin ningún tratamiento
previo en cuerpos de agua, suelo o espacios abiertos (botaderos). Por lo que el objetivo
de la investigación fue: Identificar el impacto ambiental del botadero Patapampa que
contribuye negativamente en el controlado del material reciclable en el Distrito de
Pauza, Paucar del Sara Sara-Ayacucho, 2022. El enfoque metodológico de la
investigación es de tipo observacional-retrospectiva-longitudinal, nivel descriptivo y
diseño no experimental. Se identificó como población al botadero de Patapampa y el
tamaño de la muestra, se determinó mediante muestreo probabilístico. Se aplicó
cincuenta y tres encuestas a la población que habita en área de influencia del botadero y
a ocho funcionarios de la municipalidad para conocer su percepción ambiental en
relación a los efectos contaminantes del botadero. La identificación de actividades en el
botadero se determinó mediante la observación de campo y la evaluación de los
impactos ambientales mediante la matriz de Leopold. Los resultados determinan que el
botadero presenta impactos significativos que se producen por el depósito de los RRSS
y lixiviados. La agregación de impacto fue: Quema de residuos = -143, Depósito de
RR.SS. = -193, Presencia de olores =-97, Reciclaje = -71, Presencia de vectores = -127,
Lixiviados = -176; sumando un total de = -807. Por lo tanto, se concluye que se deben
ejecutar actividades de remediación en el botadero Patapampa.
Today, the final disposal of solid waste is generating environmental impacts, since these wastes are disposed of inadequately without any prior treatment in bodies of water, soil or open spaces (dumps). Therefore, the objective of the research was: To identify the environmental impact of the Patapampa dump that contributes negatively to the control of recyclable material in the District of Pauza, Paucar del Sara Sara-Ayacucho, 2022. The methodological approach of the research is of the type observational-retrospectivelongitudinal, descriptive level and non-experimental design. The Patapampa dump was identified as a population and the sample size was determined by probabilistic sampling. Fifty-three surveys were applied to the population that lives in the area of influence of the dump and to eight municipal officials to find out their environmental perception in relation to the polluting effects of the dump. The identification of activities in the dump was determined through field observation and the evaluation of environmental impacts using the Leopold matrix. The results determine that the dump has significant impacts that are produced by the deposit of RRSS and leachate. The impact aggregation was: Burning of residues = -143, Deposit of RR.SS. = -193, Presence of odors =-97, Recycling = -71, Presence of vectors = -127, Leachate = -176; adding a total of = -807. Therefore, it is concluded that remediation activities should be carried out in the Patapampa dump.
Today, the final disposal of solid waste is generating environmental impacts, since these wastes are disposed of inadequately without any prior treatment in bodies of water, soil or open spaces (dumps). Therefore, the objective of the research was: To identify the environmental impact of the Patapampa dump that contributes negatively to the control of recyclable material in the District of Pauza, Paucar del Sara Sara-Ayacucho, 2022. The methodological approach of the research is of the type observational-retrospectivelongitudinal, descriptive level and non-experimental design. The Patapampa dump was identified as a population and the sample size was determined by probabilistic sampling. Fifty-three surveys were applied to the population that lives in the area of influence of the dump and to eight municipal officials to find out their environmental perception in relation to the polluting effects of the dump. The identification of activities in the dump was determined through field observation and the evaluation of environmental impacts using the Leopold matrix. The results determine that the dump has significant impacts that are produced by the deposit of RRSS and leachate. The impact aggregation was: Burning of residues = -143, Deposit of RR.SS. = -193, Presence of odors =-97, Recycling = -71, Presence of vectors = -127, Leachate = -176; adding a total of = -807. Therefore, it is concluded that remediation activities should be carried out in the Patapampa dump.
Palabras clave
Impacto ambiental, Residuos sólidos, Población, Botadero, Environmental impact