Deuda contraída por uno de los cónyuges dentro de la sociedad de gananciales en la provincia de Ica, año 2021
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo de determinar la relación entre la deuda contraída
por uno de los cónyuges y su impacto en la sociedad de gananciales en la provincia de Ica
durante el año 2021. En la parte metodológica se desarrollo en el ámbito de la investigación
básica, se caracteriza por su naturaleza descriptiva y explicativa, buscando detallar
propiedades, características y perfiles relacionados con el tema de estudio. Incluyó la
distribución de encuestas a un total de 98 participantes, compuestos por operadores de
justicia (abogados, jueces, fiscales), docentes universitarios y cónyuges, utilizando un
cuestionario como instrumento principal para la recolección de datos. Los resultados
obtenidos revelaron que la mayoría de los encuestados (93.02%) percibe un impacto medio
en la sociedad de gananciales debido a la deuda contraída por uno de los cónyuges,
señalando una preocupación significativa pero no extrema sobre este asunto. La ausencia
total de percepciones de alto impacto (0%) sugiere que, si bien se reconoce el problema,
no se considera que tenga un efecto devastador en la totalidad de los bienes gananciales.
Un pequeño porcentaje de los encuestados (6.98%) percibe un bajo impacto, lo cual podría
interpretarse como una confianza en las medidas legales existentes o una percepción de que
el problema no es ampliamente prevalente. Finalmente, se concluye que hay una relación
significativa entre la percepción de la deuda contraída por uno de los cónyuges y su impacto
en la sociedad de gananciales, con un coeficiente de correlación Rho de Spearman de 0.470
y un valor de significación bilateral de 0.000. Esto evidencia que las preocupaciones
respecto a las deudas individuales de un cónyuge están íntimamente ligadas a percepciones
negativas acerca de su efecto en la estabilidad financiera de la sociedad conyugal.
The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between the debt contracted by one of the spouses and its impact on the community property in the province of Ica during the year 2021. In the methodological part, it was developed in the field of basic research , is characterized by its descriptive and explanatory nature, seeking to detail properties, characteristics and profiles related to the topic of study. It included the distribution of surveys to a total of 98 participants, made up of justice operators (lawyers, judges, prosecutors), university professors and spouses, using a questionnaire as the main instrument for data collection. The results obtained revealed that the majority of respondents (93.02%) perceive a medium impact on the community property due to the debt incurred by one of the spouses, indicating a significant but not extreme concern about this matter. The complete absence of high impact perceptions (0%) suggests that, although the problem is recognized, it is not considered to have a devastating effect on the entire marital property. A small percentage of respondents (6.98%) perceive a low impact, which could be interpreted as a confidence in existing legal measures or a perception that the problem is not widely prevalent. Finally, it is concluded that there is a significant relationship between the perception of the debt incurred by one of the spouses and its impact on the marital partnership, with a Spearman's Rho correlation coefficient of 0.470 and a bilateral significance value of 0.000. This shows that concerns regarding a spouse's individual debts are closely linked to negative perceptions about their effect on the financial stability of the marital partnership.
The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between the debt contracted by one of the spouses and its impact on the community property in the province of Ica during the year 2021. In the methodological part, it was developed in the field of basic research , is characterized by its descriptive and explanatory nature, seeking to detail properties, characteristics and profiles related to the topic of study. It included the distribution of surveys to a total of 98 participants, made up of justice operators (lawyers, judges, prosecutors), university professors and spouses, using a questionnaire as the main instrument for data collection. The results obtained revealed that the majority of respondents (93.02%) perceive a medium impact on the community property due to the debt incurred by one of the spouses, indicating a significant but not extreme concern about this matter. The complete absence of high impact perceptions (0%) suggests that, although the problem is recognized, it is not considered to have a devastating effect on the entire marital property. A small percentage of respondents (6.98%) perceive a low impact, which could be interpreted as a confidence in existing legal measures or a perception that the problem is not widely prevalent. Finally, it is concluded that there is a significant relationship between the perception of the debt incurred by one of the spouses and its impact on the marital partnership, with a Spearman's Rho correlation coefficient of 0.470 and a bilateral significance value of 0.000. This shows that concerns regarding a spouse's individual debts are closely linked to negative perceptions about their effect on the financial stability of the marital partnership.
Palabras clave
Sociedad de gananciales, Deuda conyugal, Protección legal, Community property