Desarrollo organizacional y la toma de decisiones de los trabajadores administrativos de una universidad estatal de la provincia de Ica, 2023
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
El objetivo planteado para el presente trabajo fue: Determinar cómo el desarrollo organizacional se
relaciona con la toma de decisiones de los trabajadores administrativos de una universidad estatal de
la provincia de Ica,2023. Metodología: El estudio tuvo un enfoque cuantitativo, paradigma
positivista, tipo aplicada, diseño ex post facto correlacional de corte transversal, manejo una muestra
de 265 trabajadores administrativos, esgrimiendo como técnica la encuesta, hallando como resultados
en cuanto a la dimensión organización del trabajo y toma de decisiones de los trabajadores
administrativos con un r=0,887” lo que indica que existe una correlación alta entre las variables; con
un nivel de significancia real menor que el nivel de significancia teórico p =0,00 (p<0.05); así mismo
la dimensión metas estratégicas de la organización y toma de decisiones de los trabajadores
administrativos con un r=0,221” mostrando una relación débil entre las variables con un nivel de
significancia teórico p= 0,007 (p<0,05) , alegando existe relación contenida, asi mismo en la
dimensión competencia profesional y toma de decisiones de los trabajadores administrativos con un
r=0,556” mostrando una correlación moderada entre las variables con un nivel de significancia
α=0.05, y p=0,008 en consecuencia, la toma de decisiones de los trabajadores serán en ocasiones de
acuerdo a su competencia profesional Concluyendo: las variables desarrollo organizacional y toma
de decisiones de los trabajadores administrativos con un r=,274** esta valoración señala existe una
correlación débil entre las variables.
The objective of this study was: To determine how organizational development is related to the decision-making of administrative workers at a state university in the province of Ica, 2023. Methodology: The study had a quantitative approach, positivist paradigm, applied type, crosssectional correlational ex post facto design, handling a sample of 265 administrative workers, using the survey as a technique, finding as results in terms of the dimension of work organization and decision-making of administrative workers with an r=0.887" which indicates that there is a high correlation between the variables; with a level of actual significance lower than the theoretical level of significance p = 0.00 (p<0.05); Likewise, the dimension Strategic Goals of the Organization and Decision-Making of Administrative Workers with an R=0.221" showing a weak relationship between the variables with a theoretical level of significance P= 0.007 (P<0.05), alleging that there is a contained relationship, likewise in the dimension Professional competence and decision-making of administrative workers with an R=0.556" showing a moderate correlation between the variables with a level of significance α=0.05, and p=0.008 Consequently, the decision-making of the workers will sometimes be according to their professional competence Concluding: the variables organizational development and decision-making of administrative workers with an r=.274** this assessment indicates that there is a weak correlation between the variables.
The objective of this study was: To determine how organizational development is related to the decision-making of administrative workers at a state university in the province of Ica, 2023. Methodology: The study had a quantitative approach, positivist paradigm, applied type, crosssectional correlational ex post facto design, handling a sample of 265 administrative workers, using the survey as a technique, finding as results in terms of the dimension of work organization and decision-making of administrative workers with an r=0.887" which indicates that there is a high correlation between the variables; with a level of actual significance lower than the theoretical level of significance p = 0.00 (p<0.05); Likewise, the dimension Strategic Goals of the Organization and Decision-Making of Administrative Workers with an R=0.221" showing a weak relationship between the variables with a theoretical level of significance P= 0.007 (P<0.05), alleging that there is a contained relationship, likewise in the dimension Professional competence and decision-making of administrative workers with an R=0.556" showing a moderate correlation between the variables with a level of significance α=0.05, and p=0.008 Consequently, the decision-making of the workers will sometimes be according to their professional competence Concluding: the variables organizational development and decision-making of administrative workers with an r=.274** this assessment indicates that there is a weak correlation between the variables.
Palabras clave
Metas estratégicas, Organización del trabajo, Toma de decisiones, Strategic goals