Amamantamiento y función familiar en madres puérperas atendidas en un hospital del Estado
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo establecer la relación entre el amamantamiento
y la función familiar de las madres puérperas atendidas en un hospital del estado. Material y
métodos: Se utilizó una metodología de tipo cuantitativo, siendo una investigación básica
correlacional y diseño observacional transversal analítico. Se tomó como población a las madres
de neonatos en Alojamiento Conjunto del Área de Ginecología del Hospital Regional de Ica, entre
mayo y julio del año 2023. La muestra seleccionada consto de 325 usuarias que asistieron al
nosocomio. La técnica empleada fue la encuesta, teniendo como instrumentos de recolección de
datos un test para medir el desempeño familiar (FF – SIL), una escala para medir la autoeficacia
en la lactancia materna (BSES - SF) y un test observacional para evaluar la técnica en lactancia
(BBAT). Resultados: El nivel de autoeficacia para la lactancia materna hallado con mayor
frecuencia fue el nivel alto (55.1%), seguido del nivel medio (38.2%). La categoría de
funcionamiento familiar con mayor frecuencia reportado fue moderadamente funcional (64.6%).
Las categorías moderadamente funcionales (Razón de prevalencia ajustado: 0.73, IC 95% 0.60 –
0.90, valor de p = 0.003) y familia disfuncional (Razón de prevalencia ajustado: 0.66, IC95% 0.46
– 0.96, valor de p = 0.02) se hallaron asociadas al nivel alto de autoeficacia para la lactancia
materna, luego de ajustar por factores sociodemográficos, culturales y biológicos. Conclusiones:
Existe una asociación significativa entre el amamantamiento, medido como la autoeficacia para
la lactancia, y el funcionamiento familiar.
The objective of this study is to establish the relationship between breastfeeding and the family function of postpartum mothers treated in a state hospital. Material and methods: A quantitative methodology was used, with a basic correlational research and an observational, cross-sectional, analytical design. Mothers of newborns in the Joint Accommodation of the Gynecology Area of the Regional Hospital of Ica were taken as a population, between May and July 2023. The selected sample consisted of 325 users who attended the hospital. The technique used was the survey, with data collection instruments a test to measure family performance (FF – SIL), a scale to measure self-efficacy in breastfeeding (BSES – SF) and an observational test to evaluate breastfeeding technique (BBAT). Results: The highest level of self-efficacy for breastfeeding was high (55.1%), followed by medium (38.2%). The most frequently reported family functioning category was moderately functional (64.6%). The moderately functional categories (adjusted prevalence ratio: 0.73, 95% CI 0.60 – 0.90, p value = 0.003) and dysfunctional family (adjusted prevalence ratio: 0.66, 95% CI 0.46 – 0.96, p value = 0.02) were associated with a high level of self-efficacy for breastfeeding, after adjusting for sociodemographic, cultural and biological factors. Conclusions: There is a significant association between breastfeeding, measured as breastfeeding self-efficacy, and family functioning.
The objective of this study is to establish the relationship between breastfeeding and the family function of postpartum mothers treated in a state hospital. Material and methods: A quantitative methodology was used, with a basic correlational research and an observational, cross-sectional, analytical design. Mothers of newborns in the Joint Accommodation of the Gynecology Area of the Regional Hospital of Ica were taken as a population, between May and July 2023. The selected sample consisted of 325 users who attended the hospital. The technique used was the survey, with data collection instruments a test to measure family performance (FF – SIL), a scale to measure self-efficacy in breastfeeding (BSES – SF) and an observational test to evaluate breastfeeding technique (BBAT). Results: The highest level of self-efficacy for breastfeeding was high (55.1%), followed by medium (38.2%). The most frequently reported family functioning category was moderately functional (64.6%). The moderately functional categories (adjusted prevalence ratio: 0.73, 95% CI 0.60 – 0.90, p value = 0.003) and dysfunctional family (adjusted prevalence ratio: 0.66, 95% CI 0.46 – 0.96, p value = 0.02) were associated with a high level of self-efficacy for breastfeeding, after adjusting for sociodemographic, cultural and biological factors. Conclusions: There is a significant association between breastfeeding, measured as breastfeeding self-efficacy, and family functioning.
Palabras clave
Amamantamiento, Funcionamiento familiar, Madres puérperas, Breastfeeding