Unión de hecho en el Código Civil y su implicancia en la familia del distrito de Ica, año 2021
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
En esta oportunidad me permito señalar que en nuestro medio y sin temor a equivocarme
en nuestro país existen cientos y miles de parejas que viene conviviendo algunos por más de
dos años, otros diez, quince, etc.; por lo que se necesita con urgencia desarrollar políticas
educativas y sobre todo jurídicas a fin de que dichas parejas tengan la unión de hecho, cuyo
tema de investigación es “Unión de hecho en el Código Civil y su implicancia en la familia del
Distrito de Ica, año: 2021”. El método utilizado fue el cuantitativo- exploratorio, Descriptivo no
experimental, Transversal la cual estuvo conformada por 190 personas naturales (Ministerio
público, Abogados entre otros), utilizando la observancia directa y el análisis de contenido como
Como resultado sobre el chi cuadrado fue 1102.97 supera al valor crítico de 38.8851; en
tal sentido rechazamos hipótesis nula y aceptamos hipótesis alterna, la cual afirma que dada la
necesidad urgente de gran parte de la población es posible se regule la Unión de Hecho en el
Cabe indicar que los operadores de justicia estamos en la obligación de propiciar alguna
inclusión de artículos que puedan viabilizar el avance y desarrollo de políticas jurídicas a fin de
hacer más viable y corto el trámite de los procesos de unión de hecho en los miles de familia que
se encuentran inmerso en esta situación social, por lo que hace de vital importancia encontrar
alguna solución, que no soplo será en beneficio de las madres de familia, sino también en
beneficio de sus menores hijos que muchas veces quedan desamparados y sin protección por
parte de la familia, del estado y de la sociedad.
On this occasion I would like to point out that in our environment and without fear of being wrong in our country there are hundreds and thousands of couples who have been living together, some for more than two years, others ten, fifteen, etc.; Therefore, it is urgently necessary to develop educational and, above all, legal policies so that these couples have a de facto union, whose research topic is “De facto union in the Civil Code and its implication in the family of the District of Ica, year: 2021”. The method used was the quantitative-exploratory, Descriptive nonexperimental, Transversal which was made up of 190 natural persons (Public Ministry, Lawyers among others), using direct observance and content analysis as a technique. As a result, the chi square was 1102.97, exceeding the critical value of 38.8851; In this sense, we reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis, which states that given the urgent need of a large part of the population, it is possible to regulate the de facto union in the Code. It should be noted that justice operators are obliged to promote some inclusion of articles that can enable the advancement and development of legal policies in order to make the process of de facto union processes more viable and shorter in the thousands of families that They are immersed in this social situation, which is why it is vitally important to find some solution, which will not only be for the benefit of the mothers, but also for the benefit of their minor children who are often left helpless and without protection from their parents. the family, the state and society
On this occasion I would like to point out that in our environment and without fear of being wrong in our country there are hundreds and thousands of couples who have been living together, some for more than two years, others ten, fifteen, etc.; Therefore, it is urgently necessary to develop educational and, above all, legal policies so that these couples have a de facto union, whose research topic is “De facto union in the Civil Code and its implication in the family of the District of Ica, year: 2021”. The method used was the quantitative-exploratory, Descriptive nonexperimental, Transversal which was made up of 190 natural persons (Public Ministry, Lawyers among others), using direct observance and content analysis as a technique. As a result, the chi square was 1102.97, exceeding the critical value of 38.8851; In this sense, we reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis, which states that given the urgent need of a large part of the population, it is possible to regulate the de facto union in the Code. It should be noted that justice operators are obliged to promote some inclusion of articles that can enable the advancement and development of legal policies in order to make the process of de facto union processes more viable and shorter in the thousands of families that They are immersed in this social situation, which is why it is vitally important to find some solution, which will not only be for the benefit of the mothers, but also for the benefit of their minor children who are often left helpless and without protection from their parents. the family, the state and society
Palabras clave
Unión de hecho, Código Civil, Implicancia, Family