La educación no formal para el manejo eficiente de los residuos sólidos en el mercado Virgen de Guadalupe de Nazca, Ica, 2022
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
La presente investigación titulada “La Educación Ambiental No Formal para el manejo eficiente
de los Residuos Sólidos en el Mercado Virgen de Guadalupe de Nasca, Ica, 2022”, partió del
siguiente problema ¿Qué relación existe entre la Educación Ambiental No Formal y el manejo
eficiente de los residuos sólidos en el mercado Virgen de Guadalupe de Nasca, Ica, 2022?, tiene
como objetivo: Propuesta didáctica de Educación Ambiental no formal para el manejo eficiente
de los residuos sólidos en el mercado Virgen de Guadalupe de Nasca, Ica, 2022. y la hipótesis por
contraste es: Existe una relación directa entre la Educación Ambiental No Formal y el manejo
eficiente de los residuos sólidos en el mercado Virgen de Guadalupe de Nasca.
Se empleó el método científico, con diseño de investigación explicativo-descriptivo con una
muestra de todos los trabajadores del mercado Virgen de Guadalupe de Nasca.
El sistema de desarrollo dominante, con sus políticas neoliberales y enfoques centrados en el
mercado, contribuye a empeorar los problemas socioambientales en el contexto de la
globalización del mercado. Por lo tanto, la preocupación por la gestión sostenible del medio
ambiente hace imprescindible la estructuración de una educación ambiental que eduque e informe
sobre estos problemas. En este sentido, la educación ambiental es el proceso educativo que aborda
la relación del ser humano con su entorno (natural y artificial) y consigo mismo, así como las
consecuencias de esta relación. De este modo, la educación ambiental debe constituir un proceso
integral, que desempeña su papel en todo el marco de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje.
The present investigation entitled "Non-Formal Environmental Education for the efficient management of Solid Waste in the Virgen de Guadalupe de Nasca Market, Ica, 2022", started from the following problem: What is the relationship between Non-Formal Environmental Education and efficient management? of solid waste in the Virgen de Guadalupe de Nasca market, Ica, 2022?, has as its objective: Non-formal Environmental Education didactic proposal for the efficient management of solid waste in the Virgen de Guadalupe de Nasca market, Ica, 2022. and the hypothesis by contrast is: There is a direct relationship between Non-Formal Environmental Education and the efficient management of solid waste in the Virgen de Guadalupe de Nasca market. The scientific method was used, with an explanatory-descriptive research design with a sample of all the workers of the Virgen de Guadalupe de Nasca market. development system, with its neoliberal policies and market-centric approaches, contributes to aggravating socio-environmental problems, in a context of market globalization. For this reason, the concern for the sustainable management of the environment makes it imperative to structure an environmental education that trains and informs about this problem. In this sense, environmental education comes to constitute the educational process that deals with the relationship of the human being with his environment (natural and artificial) and with himself, as well as the consequences of this relationship. In this way, environmental education must constitute an integral process, which plays its role in the entire framework of teaching and learning.
The present investigation entitled "Non-Formal Environmental Education for the efficient management of Solid Waste in the Virgen de Guadalupe de Nasca Market, Ica, 2022", started from the following problem: What is the relationship between Non-Formal Environmental Education and efficient management? of solid waste in the Virgen de Guadalupe de Nasca market, Ica, 2022?, has as its objective: Non-formal Environmental Education didactic proposal for the efficient management of solid waste in the Virgen de Guadalupe de Nasca market, Ica, 2022. and the hypothesis by contrast is: There is a direct relationship between Non-Formal Environmental Education and the efficient management of solid waste in the Virgen de Guadalupe de Nasca market. The scientific method was used, with an explanatory-descriptive research design with a sample of all the workers of the Virgen de Guadalupe de Nasca market. development system, with its neoliberal policies and market-centric approaches, contributes to aggravating socio-environmental problems, in a context of market globalization. For this reason, the concern for the sustainable management of the environment makes it imperative to structure an environmental education that trains and informs about this problem. In this sense, environmental education comes to constitute the educational process that deals with the relationship of the human being with his environment (natural and artificial) and with himself, as well as the consequences of this relationship. In this way, environmental education must constitute an integral process, which plays its role in the entire framework of teaching and learning.
Palabras clave
Educación ambiental, Residuos sólidos, Non-formal environmental education