Aprendizaje cooperativo y el desarrollo de la inteligencia emocional en estudiantes de la carrera profesional de Matemática e Informática de la Universidad Nacional “San Luis Gonzaga”, Ica – 2022
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
Los profesionales de las diversas carreras profesionales de nuestra primera casa de estudios deben
ser altamente competitivos y preparados para los desafíos de la Globalización, quienes deben
aprender y desarrollar competencias, habilidades no solo de su área curricular, si no deben
desarrollar estrategias, técnicas de estudios, corrientes pedagógicas, mejorar la pedagogía y la
didáctica al igual que la metodología para poder tener dominio y conocimiento en el aprendizaje
de las matemáticas, mejorar el aprendizaje con una adecuada estrategia motivadora desde el
inicio, desarrollo y cierre o final de las actividades de aprendizaje planteadas, establecer preguntas
de metacognición , obtener evidencias, productos en el cierre de clases. La investigación fue de
enfoque cuantitativo, tipo básica, nivel descriptivo, correlacional, diseño no experimental, la
población y la muestra fue de 40 estudiantes de la carrera profesional de Matemática e
Informática. La técnica de estudio fue la encuesta, se aplicó un cuestionario de escala de Likert
de acuerdo con las variables de estudio, dimensiones e indicadores.
Los resultados obtenidos aplicando el coeficiente de Rho de Spearman, demuestran que, existe
una relación entre moderada y alta (0,534%), el Aprendizaje cooperativo se relaciona
significativamente con el desarrollo de la motivación en estudiantes de la carrera profesional de
Matemática e Informática de la Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga.
The professionals of the various professional careers of our first house of studies must be highly competitive and prepared for the challenges of Globalization, who must learn and develop competencies, skills not only in their curricular area, but must also develop strategies, study techniques. , pedagogical currents, improve pedagogy and didactics as well as the methodology to be able to have mastery and knowledge in learning mathematics, improve learning with an appropriate motivational strategy from the beginning, development and closure or end of the learning activities posed, establish metacognition questions, obtain evidence, products at the closing of classes. The research had a quantitative approach, basic type, descriptive level, correlational, non-experimental design, the population and sample were 40 students from the professional career of Mathematics and Computer Science. The study technique was the survey, a Likert scale questionnaire was applied according to the study variables, dimensions and indicators. The results obtained by applying Spearman's Rho coefficient show that there is a relationship between moderate and high (0.534%), Cooperative Learning significantly it's related the development of motivation in students of the professional career of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University San Luis Gonzaga National.
The professionals of the various professional careers of our first house of studies must be highly competitive and prepared for the challenges of Globalization, who must learn and develop competencies, skills not only in their curricular area, but must also develop strategies, study techniques. , pedagogical currents, improve pedagogy and didactics as well as the methodology to be able to have mastery and knowledge in learning mathematics, improve learning with an appropriate motivational strategy from the beginning, development and closure or end of the learning activities posed, establish metacognition questions, obtain evidence, products at the closing of classes. The research had a quantitative approach, basic type, descriptive level, correlational, non-experimental design, the population and sample were 40 students from the professional career of Mathematics and Computer Science. The study technique was the survey, a Likert scale questionnaire was applied according to the study variables, dimensions and indicators. The results obtained by applying Spearman's Rho coefficient show that there is a relationship between moderate and high (0.534%), Cooperative Learning significantly it's related the development of motivation in students of the professional career of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University San Luis Gonzaga National.
Palabras clave
Aprendizaje cooperativo, Motivación, Competencias, Inteligencia emocional, Cooperative learning