Calidad del servicio educativo y satisfacción estudiantil universitario en la Facultad de Ingeniería de Minas y Metalurgia de la Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga - 2023
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal determinar de qué manera se
relaciona la calidad del servicio educativo y la satisfacción estudiantil universitario en la
Facultad de Ingeniería de Minas y Metalurgia de la Universidad Nacional San Luis
Gonzaga – 2023. Es una investigación de tipo cuantitativa, nivel descriptivo –
correlacional, diseño no experimental transeccional, la muestra probabilística se
conformó por 190 estudiantes universitarios de la Facultad de Ingeniería de Minas y
Metalurgia de la Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga en el año 2023; para medir las
variables se usó la Escala de Calidad del Servicio Educativo y la Escala de Satisfacción
Estudiantil Universitario. Los resultados indicaron una alta calidad del servicio educativo
en 98.4% y un nivel alto de satisfacción en 100%. Se concluyó que existe relación positiva
y significativa entre la variable calidad del servicio educativo y la satisfacción estudiantil
universitaria al obtener un rs=0.345 y p=0.000<0.05.
The main objective of this research is to determine how the quality of educational service and university student satisfaction are related in the Faculty of Mining and Metallurgy Engineering of the Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga – 2023. It is a quantitative research, descriptive level – correlational, non-experimental cross-sectional design, the probabilistic sample was made up of 190 university students from the Faculty of Mining Engineering and Metallurgy of the San Luis Gonzaga National University in 2023; The Educational Service Quality Scale and the University Student Satisfaction Scale were used to measure the variables. The results indicated a high quality of educational service in 98.4% and a high level of satisfaction in 100%. It was concluded that there is a positive and significant relationship between the variable quality of educational service and university student satisfaction, obtaining an rs=0.345 and p=0.000<0.05.
The main objective of this research is to determine how the quality of educational service and university student satisfaction are related in the Faculty of Mining and Metallurgy Engineering of the Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga – 2023. It is a quantitative research, descriptive level – correlational, non-experimental cross-sectional design, the probabilistic sample was made up of 190 university students from the Faculty of Mining Engineering and Metallurgy of the San Luis Gonzaga National University in 2023; The Educational Service Quality Scale and the University Student Satisfaction Scale were used to measure the variables. The results indicated a high quality of educational service in 98.4% and a high level of satisfaction in 100%. It was concluded that there is a positive and significant relationship between the variable quality of educational service and university student satisfaction, obtaining an rs=0.345 and p=0.000<0.05.
Palabras clave
Servicio educativo -- Calidad, Educación superior -- Calidad, Satisfacción estudiantil, Quality of educational service