Modelo de simulación de gestión integral de residuos sólidos municipal del distrito Tambo de Mora en el 2018
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
El estudio propuesto desarrolla un modelo utilizando la dinámica de sistemas
(Bertalanffy, 1998) para simular el impacto de un programa de gestión de residuos
sólidos en los hogares del municipio de Tambo de Mora, provincia de Chincha, Region
Ica. El análisis se realizó en base a las características actuales y a los modelos
propuestos desarrollados para la gestión y las alternativas de reciclaje y compostaje en
las plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales antes de su eliminación en los vertederos
sanitarios. El modelo se ha creado con el programa informático Stella® a partir de los
datos de las encuestas históricas y estadísticas anteriores, así como de las encuestas
de población para determinar los niveles de generación de residuos y realizar pruebas
para identificar los residuos sólidos. Estos modelos incluyen diferentes componentes
como: población, recogida de residuos, vertidos ilegales, vertederos, residuos sólidos
generados, población, segregación, financiación, concienciación y tiempo. Se comprobó
que la mejora de la información y la concienciación funcional sobre la capacidad de
separar los residuos desde la fuente tiene un impacto en la cantidad de residuos y en la
eliminación de los residuos municipales en el vertedero municipal de Tambo Mora.
The proposed study develops a model using system dynamics (Bertalanffy, 1998) to simulate the impact of a solid waste management program in households in the municipality of Tambo de Mora, Chincha province, Ica Region. The analysis was carried out based on the current characteristics and the proposed models developed for the management and recycling and composting alternatives in wastewater treatment plants before their disposal in sanitary landfills. The model has been created with the Stella® software based on data from previous historical and statistical surveys, as well as from population surveys to determine levels of waste generation and to carry out tests to identify solid waste. These models include different components such as: population, waste collection, illegal dumping, landfills, solid waste generated, population, segregation, financing, awareness and time. It was found that the improvement of information and functional awareness about the ability to separate waste from the source has an impact on the amount of waste and the disposal of municipal waste in the Tambo Mora municipal landfill.
The proposed study develops a model using system dynamics (Bertalanffy, 1998) to simulate the impact of a solid waste management program in households in the municipality of Tambo de Mora, Chincha province, Ica Region. The analysis was carried out based on the current characteristics and the proposed models developed for the management and recycling and composting alternatives in wastewater treatment plants before their disposal in sanitary landfills. The model has been created with the Stella® software based on data from previous historical and statistical surveys, as well as from population surveys to determine levels of waste generation and to carry out tests to identify solid waste. These models include different components such as: population, waste collection, illegal dumping, landfills, solid waste generated, population, segregation, financing, awareness and time. It was found that the improvement of information and functional awareness about the ability to separate waste from the source has an impact on the amount of waste and the disposal of municipal waste in the Tambo Mora municipal landfill.
Palabras clave
Residuos sólidos domiciliarios, Relleno sanitario, Reciclaje, Recycling