Mercado exterior e incremento de envíos de uvas Red Globe de las empresas agroexportadoras de la provincia de Ica hacia Estados Unidos, 2022
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
Este estudio tiene como finalidad determinar la relación entre el mercado exterior con el
incremento de envíos de uvas red globe de las empresas agroexportadoras de la provincia de Ica
hacia EE. UU, 2022.
La indagación fue de tipo aplicada, su nivel se compuso por el descriptivo-correlacionaltransversal y su diseño se constituyó por el no experimental, asimismo se determinó una muestra
conformada por 71 gerentes y/o directivos de empresas agroexportadoras.
Según la información adquirida se puede resolver que, con respecto al objetivo general de la
investigación, el 53% de los encuestados considera que existe relación significativa entre el
mercado exterior con el incremento de envíos de uvas red globe de las empresas agroexportadoras
de la provincia de Ica hacia EEUU, 2022.
Referente a la primera finalidad específica se resuelve que el 56% de los encuestados considera
que existe relación directa del Tratado de Libre Comercio con el incremento de envíos de uvas
red globe de las empresas agroexportadoras de la provincia de Ica hacia EE. UU, 2022.
Respecto al segundo objetivo específico se establece que, el 53% de los encuestados manifiesta
que existe relación significativa entre las negociaciones y el incremento de envíos de uvas red
globe de las empresas agroexportadoras de la provincia de Ica hacia EE. UU, 2022.
Respecto al tercer objetivo específico se establece que, el 53% de los encuestados considera que
las exportaciones tradicionales se relacionan favorablemente con el incremento de envíos de uvas
red globe de las empresas agroexportadoras de la provincia de Ica hacia EE. UU, 2022.
The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between the foreign market and the increase in shipments of red globe grapes from agro-export companies from the province of Ica to the US, 2022. The inquiry was of the applied type, its level was made up of the descriptive-correlationaltransversal and its design was made up of the non-experimental one, likewise a sample made up of 71 managers and/or directors of agro-export companies was determined. According to the information acquired, it can be resolved that, with respect to the general objective of the investigation, 53% of those surveyed consider that there is a significant relationship between the foreign market and the increase in shipments of red globe grapes from agro-export companies in the province of Ica to the US, 2022. Regarding the first specific purpose, it is resolved that 56% of those surveyed consider that there is a direct relationship between the Free Trade Agreement and the increase in shipments of red globe grapes from agro-export companies from the province of Ica to the US, 2022. Regarding the second specific objective, it is established that 53% of those surveyed state that there is a significant relationship between negotiations and the increase in shipments of red globe grapes from agro-export companies from the province of Ica to the US, 2022. Regarding the third specific objective, it is established that 53% of those surveyed consider that traditional exports are favorably related to the increase in shipments of red globe grapes from agro-export companies from the province of Ica to the US, 2022.
The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between the foreign market and the increase in shipments of red globe grapes from agro-export companies from the province of Ica to the US, 2022. The inquiry was of the applied type, its level was made up of the descriptive-correlationaltransversal and its design was made up of the non-experimental one, likewise a sample made up of 71 managers and/or directors of agro-export companies was determined. According to the information acquired, it can be resolved that, with respect to the general objective of the investigation, 53% of those surveyed consider that there is a significant relationship between the foreign market and the increase in shipments of red globe grapes from agro-export companies in the province of Ica to the US, 2022. Regarding the first specific purpose, it is resolved that 56% of those surveyed consider that there is a direct relationship between the Free Trade Agreement and the increase in shipments of red globe grapes from agro-export companies from the province of Ica to the US, 2022. Regarding the second specific objective, it is established that 53% of those surveyed state that there is a significant relationship between negotiations and the increase in shipments of red globe grapes from agro-export companies from the province of Ica to the US, 2022. Regarding the third specific objective, it is established that 53% of those surveyed consider that traditional exports are favorably related to the increase in shipments of red globe grapes from agro-export companies from the province of Ica to the US, 2022.
Palabras clave
Mercado, Exportación, Foreign