Dirección empresarial y competitividad de las pequeñas empresas en una provincia de Perú, 2022
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
Este estudio tiene como propósito determinar la relación de la dirección empresarial en la
competitividad de las pequeñas empresas en la provincia de Ica, 2022.
La indagación fue de tipo aplicada, su nivel se empleó el descriptivo- transversal-correlacional y
su diseño se adecuo con el no experimental, asimismo se determinó una muestra conformada por
315 pequeñas empresas de la provincia de Ica.
Después de la aplicación del instrumento de recolección de información, se puede determinar que
el 60% de los encuestados considera que existe un nivel elevado de dirección empresarial en las
pequeñas empresas de la provincia de Ica, asimismo, un 50.79% considera que estas empresas
poseen un nivel de competitividad elevado.
Por otro lado, con respecto al primer objetivo específico se determina que el 66.6% de los
encuestados percibe que las pequeñas empresas de la provincia de Ica desarrollan un proceso
gerencial adecuado teniendo niveles de competitividad de igual forma elevados, por lo que se
evidencia una relación significativa entre el proceso gerencial y la competitividad.
Con respecto al segundo objetivo específico, se evidencia que el 62.53% de los encuestados
considera que las empresas realizan un proceso de toma de decisiones adecuado influyendo en
niveles de competitividad adecuados, por tal motivo, se determina que existe una relación
significativa entre la toma de decisiones y la competitividad.
Referente al tercer objetivo específico, se determina que el 58.41% de los encuestados considera
que las empresas poseen un desarrollo organizacional elevado, influencia positivamente en sus
niveles de competitividad, por lo que, se evidencia la existencia de una relación favorable entre
el desarrollo organizacional y la competitividad.
Estos resultados se validan mediante las conclusiones obtenidas por Diego y Vargas (2019), los
cuales en su investigación determinaron la existencia de una incidencia significativa entre la
gestión empresarial y la competitividad de pequeñas empresas, indicando que cuando se aplica
una buena dirección o gestión empresarial, se obtienen resultados positivos en la competitividad
de las empresas.
The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship of business management in the competitiveness of small companies in the province of Ica, 2022. The inquiry was of the applied type, its level was made up of the descriptive-correlationaltransversal and its design was made up of the non-experimental one, likewise a sample made up of 315 small companies from the province of Ica was determined. After the application of the information collection instrument, it can be determined that 60% of the respondents consider that there is a high level of business management in small companies in the province of Ica, likewise, 50.79% consider that these companies have a high level of competitiveness. On the other hand, with respect to the first specific objective, it is determined that 66.6% of those surveyed perceive that small companies in the province of Ica develop an adequate managerial process having equally high levels of competitiveness, for which a relationship is evident. relationship between the managerial process and competitiveness. Regarding the second specific objective, it is evident that 62.53% of those surveyed consider that companies carry out an adequate decision-making process, influencing adequate levels of competitiveness, for this reason, it is determined that there is a significant relationship between decision-making decisions and competition. Regarding the third specific objective, it is determined that 58.41% of those surveyed consider that companies have a high organizational development, a positive influence on their levels of competitiveness, therefore, the existence of a favorable relationship between organizational development and the competitiveness. These results are validated by the conclusions obtained by Diego and Vargas (2019), who in their research determined the existence of a significant incidence between business management and the competitiveness of small businesses, indicating that when good management or business management is applied, positive results are obtained in the competitiveness of companies.
The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship of business management in the competitiveness of small companies in the province of Ica, 2022. The inquiry was of the applied type, its level was made up of the descriptive-correlationaltransversal and its design was made up of the non-experimental one, likewise a sample made up of 315 small companies from the province of Ica was determined. After the application of the information collection instrument, it can be determined that 60% of the respondents consider that there is a high level of business management in small companies in the province of Ica, likewise, 50.79% consider that these companies have a high level of competitiveness. On the other hand, with respect to the first specific objective, it is determined that 66.6% of those surveyed perceive that small companies in the province of Ica develop an adequate managerial process having equally high levels of competitiveness, for which a relationship is evident. relationship between the managerial process and competitiveness. Regarding the second specific objective, it is evident that 62.53% of those surveyed consider that companies carry out an adequate decision-making process, influencing adequate levels of competitiveness, for this reason, it is determined that there is a significant relationship between decision-making decisions and competition. Regarding the third specific objective, it is determined that 58.41% of those surveyed consider that companies have a high organizational development, a positive influence on their levels of competitiveness, therefore, the existence of a favorable relationship between organizational development and the competitiveness. These results are validated by the conclusions obtained by Diego and Vargas (2019), who in their research determined the existence of a significant incidence between business management and the competitiveness of small businesses, indicating that when good management or business management is applied, positive results are obtained in the competitiveness of companies.
Palabras clave
Dirección empresarial, Competitividad, Business