La gestión estratégica de empresas de servicio de mantenimiento y su influencia con la calidad ofrecida a plantas de hidrocarburos en la ciudad de Pisco, 2023
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
El estudio sostiene por objetivo Determinar cómo la gestión estratégica de empresas de servicio
de mantenimiento se relaciona con la calidad ofrecida a plantas de hidrocarburos en la ciudad de
Pisco, 2023. La metodología es básica de tipo correlacional-transversal y de modelo no
experimental; en una población constituirá por conformado por 3,404 colaboradores de la empresa
CONFIPETROL ANDINA S.A; cuyo muestreo fue 345 colaboradores de la empresa
CONFIPETROL ANDINA S.A, aplicándose el cuestionario como instrumento. Como resultado
un coeficiente de Pearson de 0.659, siendo un indicador de una correlación alta. Asimismo, el
valor de significancia fue de 0.000, esto manifiesta que, la correlación es significativa. Asimismo,
se da por aceptada la hipótesis alterna, rechazando la hipótesis nula, indicando que si existe una
correlación. Se concluye mediante la presenta investigación que existen diversos modelos y/o
metodologías desarrolladas a lo largo de la historia con respecto a la gestión estratégica, cada una
con características distintivas para llevar a cabo el análisis de esta variable, lo mismo ocurre con
la calidad y su análisis en distintos sectores y la relevancia que tiene sobre la percepción de los
servicios y el objetivo de lograr la satisfacción del cliente, ya que el análisis de la calidad enfocada
en un servicio es distinto a la calidad de un producto.
The objective of the study is to determine how the strategic management of maintenance service companies is related to the quality offered to hydrocarbon plants in the city of Pisco, 2023. The methodology is basic correlational-transverse type and non-experimental model; In a population it will be made up of 3,404 employees of the company CONFIPETROL ANDINA S.A; whose sampling was 345 employees of the company CONFIPETROL ANDINA S.A, applying the questionnaire as an instrument. As a result, a Pearson coefficient of 0.659, being an indicator of a high correlation. Likewise, the significance value was 0.000, this shows that the correlation is significant. Likewise, the alternative hypothesis is accepted, rejecting the null hypothesis, indicating that a correlation does exist. It is concluded through this research that there are various models and/or methodologies developed throughout history with respect to strategic management, each one with distinctive characteristics to carry out the analysis of this variable, the same occurs with quality and its analysis in different sectors and the relevance it has on the perception of services and the objective of achieving customer satisfaction, since the analysis of quality focused on a service is different from the quality of a product.
The objective of the study is to determine how the strategic management of maintenance service companies is related to the quality offered to hydrocarbon plants in the city of Pisco, 2023. The methodology is basic correlational-transverse type and non-experimental model; In a population it will be made up of 3,404 employees of the company CONFIPETROL ANDINA S.A; whose sampling was 345 employees of the company CONFIPETROL ANDINA S.A, applying the questionnaire as an instrument. As a result, a Pearson coefficient of 0.659, being an indicator of a high correlation. Likewise, the significance value was 0.000, this shows that the correlation is significant. Likewise, the alternative hypothesis is accepted, rejecting the null hypothesis, indicating that a correlation does exist. It is concluded through this research that there are various models and/or methodologies developed throughout history with respect to strategic management, each one with distinctive characteristics to carry out the analysis of this variable, the same occurs with quality and its analysis in different sectors and the relevance it has on the perception of services and the objective of achieving customer satisfaction, since the analysis of quality focused on a service is different from the quality of a product.
Palabras clave
Formulación de estrategias, Implementación de estrategias, Evaluación de estrategias, Strategy formulation