La relación entre el tiempo de espera y la satisfacción de los usuarios del servicio de emergencia del Hospital Santa María del Socorro de Ica, 2023
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
El estudio sostiene por objetivo determinar cómo el tiempo de espera se relaciona con la
satisfacción de los usuarios del servicio de emergencia del Hospital Santa María del
Socorro de Ica, 2023. La metodología es aplicada de tipo correlacional-transversal y de
modelo no experimental; en una población conformado por 1700 usuarios entre la edad
de 18 a 70 años del servicio de emergencia del Hospital Santa María del Socorro de Ica;
cuyo muestreo fue 314 usuarios entre la edad de 18 a 70 años del servicio de emergencia
del Hospital Santa María del Socorro de Ica, aplicándose el cuestionario como
instrumento. Como resultado un coeficiente de Pearson de 0.493, siendo un indicador de
una correlación moderada. Asimismo, el valor de significancia fue de 0.000, esto
manifiesta que, la correlación es significativa. Asimismo, se da por aceptada la hipótesis
alterna, rechazando la hipótesis nula, indicando que, si existe una correlación, para su
mejor descripción de los resultados a dichas dimensiones se les estableció intervalos con
escalas valorativas, esto con la finalidad de ubicar las posibles respuestas que brindaron
los encuestados y de ella determinar un mejor análisis.
The objective of the study is to determine how waiting time is related to the satisfaction of users of the emergency service at the Santa María del Socorro Hospital in Ica, 2023. The methodology is applied in a correlational-transverse type and with a non-experimental model; in a population it will consist of 1700 users between the age of 18 to 70 years of the emergency service of the Santa María del Socorro Hospital in Ica; whose sampling was 314 users between the ages of 18 and 70 years of the emergency service of the Santa María del Socorro Hospital in Ica, applying the questionnaire as an instrument. As a result, a Pearson coefficient of 0.493, being an indicator of a moderate correlation. Likewise, the significance value was 0.000, this shows that the correlation is significant. Likewise, the alternative hypothesis is accepted, rejecting the null hypothesis, indicating that, if there is a correlation, for a better description of the results to these dimensions, intervals with evaluation scales were established, this with the purpose of locating the possible responses. that the respondents provided and from it determine a better analysis.
The objective of the study is to determine how waiting time is related to the satisfaction of users of the emergency service at the Santa María del Socorro Hospital in Ica, 2023. The methodology is applied in a correlational-transverse type and with a non-experimental model; in a population it will consist of 1700 users between the age of 18 to 70 years of the emergency service of the Santa María del Socorro Hospital in Ica; whose sampling was 314 users between the ages of 18 and 70 years of the emergency service of the Santa María del Socorro Hospital in Ica, applying the questionnaire as an instrument. As a result, a Pearson coefficient of 0.493, being an indicator of a moderate correlation. Likewise, the significance value was 0.000, this shows that the correlation is significant. Likewise, the alternative hypothesis is accepted, rejecting the null hypothesis, indicating that, if there is a correlation, for a better description of the results to these dimensions, intervals with evaluation scales were established, this with the purpose of locating the possible responses. that the respondents provided and from it determine a better analysis.
Palabras clave
Capacidad de respuesta, Fiabilidad, Aspectos tangibles, Satisfacción de usuario, Responsiveness