Política de confinamiento sanitario por COVID-19 y la morosidad de las obligaciones crediticias de los socios de la Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito “San Cristóbal de Huamanga” - agencia Ica, año 2020
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
Determinar la relación entre la política de confinamiento sanitario
implementada durante la pandemia de COVID-19 en Perú en 2020 y la
morosidad en las obligaciones crediticias de los socios de una cooperativa de
ahorro y crédito. Metodología: Investigación cuantitativa correlacional con una
muestra de 300 socios de la cooperativa, a quienes se aplicó un cuestionario
para cada variable. Resultados: Se encontró una correlación positiva muy fuerte
(r=0.803) y altamente significativa (p<0.01) entre la política de confinamiento
sanitario y la morosidad de las obligaciones crediticias. El 50.33% de los socios
ubicó a la política de confinamiento en un nivel medio de impacto. Respecto a la
morosidad crediticia, el 45% reportó un nivel medio de morosidad en sus
obligaciones financieras debido a las medidas implementadas. Conclusión: Las
severas disposiciones de confinamiento afectaron la actividad económica,
incrementando los niveles de morosidad e incumplimiento de pago de
obligaciones crediticias previamente adquiridas por los socios de la cooperativa
To determine the relationship between the sanitary containment policy implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic in Peru in 2020 and delinquency in credit obligations of members of a savings and credit cooperative. Methodology: Quantitative correlational research with a sample of 300 credit union members, to whom a questionnaire was administered for each variable. Results: A very strong positive correlation (r=0.803) and highly significant (p<0.01) was found between the policy of sanitary confinement and the delinquency of credit obligations. 50.33% of the partners placed the containment policy at a medium level of impact. Regarding credit delinquency, 45% reported a medium level of delinquency in their financial obligations due to the measures implemented. Conclusion: The severe containment provisions affected economic activity, increasing the levels of delinquency and non-payment of credit obligations previously acquired by members of the financial cooperative.
To determine the relationship between the sanitary containment policy implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic in Peru in 2020 and delinquency in credit obligations of members of a savings and credit cooperative. Methodology: Quantitative correlational research with a sample of 300 credit union members, to whom a questionnaire was administered for each variable. Results: A very strong positive correlation (r=0.803) and highly significant (p<0.01) was found between the policy of sanitary confinement and the delinquency of credit obligations. 50.33% of the partners placed the containment policy at a medium level of impact. Regarding credit delinquency, 45% reported a medium level of delinquency in their financial obligations due to the measures implemented. Conclusion: The severe containment provisions affected economic activity, increasing the levels of delinquency and non-payment of credit obligations previously acquired by members of the financial cooperative.
Palabras clave
Confinamiento sanitario, Morosidad crediticia, COVID-19, Restricciones de movilidad, Credit default