Nivel de conocimientos y prácticas sobre lactancia materna de las puérperas inmediatas y mediatas del Hospital Santa María del Socorro, Ica, 2024
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
Determinar la relación entre el NC y las prácticas sobre LM de las
puérperas inmediatas y mediatas del HSMS-Ica en mayo del 2024.
Estudio de tipo observacional, analítico, transversal y prospectivo.
La población la conformaron todas las puérperas inmediatas y mediatas que
sean atendidas en el Hospital María del Socorro en Ica durante el mes de mayo
del 2024 (N=200); la muestra fue de 132 pacientes seleccionadas por muestreo
no probabilístico por conveniencia. Los instrumentos fueron los cuestionarios CLM y P-LM. El análisis principal se realizó con la prueba de Chi2 de Pearson.
Las participantes tenían una edad promedio de 27 años y en su
mayoría provenían de Ica. El NC global fue mayoritariamente medio (55,3%). No
se encontró una asociación significativa entre el NC general y las prácticas de
LM (p=0,073). Sin embargo, el NC en conceptos generales (p=0,033) y técnicas
de amamantamiento (p=0,013) se asoció significativamente con prácticas
eficientes. No se observó asociación entre el NC sobre beneficios y las prácticas
de LM (p=0,491).
El nivel de conocimiento en conceptos generales y técnicas de
amamantamiento se asocia significativamente con prácticas eficientes de
lactancia materna, mientras que el conocimiento general y sobre beneficios no
muestran esta asociación.
Determine the relationship between the NC and BF practices of the immediate and mid-postpartum women of the HSMS-Ica in May 2024. Observational, analytical, transversal and prospective study. The population was made up of all immediate and mid-term postpartum women treated at the María del Socorro Hospital in Ica during the month of May 2024 (N=200); The sample was 132 patients selected by non-probabilistic convenience sampling. The instruments were the C-LM and P-LM questionnaires. The main analysis was performed with Pearson's Chi2 test. The participants had an average age of 27 years, and the majority came from Ica. The overall NC was mostly average (55.3%). No significant association was found between general NC and BF practices (p=0.073). However, NC in general concepts (p=0.033) and breastfeeding techniques (p=0.013) was significantly associated with efficient practices. No association was observed between the NC on benefits and BF practices (p=0.491). The level of knowledge in general concepts and breastfeeding techniques is significantly associated with efficient breastfeeding practices, while general knowledge and knowledge about benefits do not show this association.
Determine the relationship between the NC and BF practices of the immediate and mid-postpartum women of the HSMS-Ica in May 2024. Observational, analytical, transversal and prospective study. The population was made up of all immediate and mid-term postpartum women treated at the María del Socorro Hospital in Ica during the month of May 2024 (N=200); The sample was 132 patients selected by non-probabilistic convenience sampling. The instruments were the C-LM and P-LM questionnaires. The main analysis was performed with Pearson's Chi2 test. The participants had an average age of 27 years, and the majority came from Ica. The overall NC was mostly average (55.3%). No significant association was found between general NC and BF practices (p=0.073). However, NC in general concepts (p=0.033) and breastfeeding techniques (p=0.013) was significantly associated with efficient practices. No association was observed between the NC on benefits and BF practices (p=0.491). The level of knowledge in general concepts and breastfeeding techniques is significantly associated with efficient breastfeeding practices, while general knowledge and knowledge about benefits do not show this association.
Palabras clave
Conocimiento, Lactancia materna, Periodo posparto, Breast feeding, Postpartum period