Niveles de presión acústica por tráfico vehicular en los mercados del distrito de Ica, 2022
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
Debido a la importancia para cuidar la salud de la población desde el contexto
ambiental se hecho importante socializar temas sobre los niveles de presión acústica,
por ello el objetivo general es determinar el nivel de presión acústica por tráfico
vehicular en los mercados del distrito de Ica, 2022. Metodología. La investigación
fue aplicada, basado en el paradigma positivista y enfoque cuantitativo de carácter
hipotético-deductivo, diseño no experimental transaccional. De tal manera que se
aplicó un instrumento para medir los indicadores propuestos (niveles de presión
acústica) generados por el tráfico vehicular en los 4 principales mercados de Ica.
Resultados. Se halló que el mayor nivel de decibles en el mercado santo domingo
(73.2dB) se encuentra comprendido entre las 12:45 a 13:00 horas y en igual horario
también se encuentra en el mercado La Palma (74.2 dB), sin embargo, en el mercado
Arenales se halla entre las 13:45 a 14:00 horas y en el mercado San Antonio (71.9Db)
en horario de 19:45 a 20:00 horas. evidenciándose también que el promedio de
decibeles es mayor en el Mercado La Palma (69.0). Conclusión. Existe un alto
promedio de niveles de decibeles por encontrarse por encima de los límites
permitidos por ECA, siendo de manera general 68.3Db el promedio de los cuatro
mercados principales de Ica.
Due to the importance of taking care of the health of the population from the environmental context, it became important to socialize issues about sound pressure levels, so the general objective is to determine the sound pressure level for vehicular traffic in the markets of the district of Ica, 2022. Methodology. The research was applied, based on the positivist paradigm and quantitative approach of hypotheticaldeductive character, transactional non-experimental design. In such a way that an instrument was applied to measure the proposed indicators (sound pressure levels) generated by vehicular traffic in the 4 main markets of Ica. Results. It was found that the highest level of decibles in the Santo Domingo market (73.2dB) is between 12:45 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. and at the same time it is also in the La Palma market (74.2 dB), however, in the Arenales market it is between 7:45 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and at the same time in the San Antonio market (71.9Db). also showing that the average decibels is higher in the La Palma Market (69.0). Conclusion. There is a high average decibel levels for being above the limits allowed by ECA, being in general 68.3Db the average of the four main markets of Ica.
Due to the importance of taking care of the health of the population from the environmental context, it became important to socialize issues about sound pressure levels, so the general objective is to determine the sound pressure level for vehicular traffic in the markets of the district of Ica, 2022. Methodology. The research was applied, based on the positivist paradigm and quantitative approach of hypotheticaldeductive character, transactional non-experimental design. In such a way that an instrument was applied to measure the proposed indicators (sound pressure levels) generated by vehicular traffic in the 4 main markets of Ica. Results. It was found that the highest level of decibles in the Santo Domingo market (73.2dB) is between 12:45 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. and at the same time it is also in the La Palma market (74.2 dB), however, in the Arenales market it is between 7:45 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and at the same time in the San Antonio market (71.9Db). also showing that the average decibels is higher in the La Palma Market (69.0). Conclusion. There is a high average decibel levels for being above the limits allowed by ECA, being in general 68.3Db the average of the four main markets of Ica.
Palabras clave
Presión acústica, Tráfico vehicular, Decibeles, Sound pressure