La inversión privada empresarial y su relación con el Producto Bruto Interno del Perú : 2005-2022
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
En la investigación, se pretende comprender que la producción de bienes y servicios de una región
o país, está vinculada a la inversión privada, y que esta acción genera crecimiento y desarrollo,
para lo cual se estudia, algunas teorías que tienen como objetivo fundamental, demostrar que la
inversión privada que realiza el país, está directamente relacionado con el consumo privado y las
importaciones que se obtiene en el mismo país.
La teoría macroeconómica, sostiene que la inversión privada empresarial (IPE) está fuertemente
correlacionada con el producto bruto interno (PBI), porque genera producción de insumos, bienes
de capital y lo más importante contribuye a generar empleo, crecimiento y bienestar general en la
población. Dada la lógica y la evidencia, resulta interesante, tratarlo como tema de investigación.
De acuerdo a la lógica y la evidencia planteada, plantamos como objetivo de la investigación,
determinar la relación que existe entre la Inversión Privada Empresarial (IPE) con respecto al
Producto Bruto Interno (PBI) del Perú, para los años 2005 – 2022 (18 años); además, demostrar
si se cumplen las leyes fundamentales de la teoría económica y si contribuye a generar crecimiento
económico para el país.
In the research, the aim is to understand that the production of goods and services in a region or country is linked to private investment, and that this action generates growth and development, for which some theories are studied whose fundamental objective is, demonstrate that the private investment made by the country is directly related to private consumption and imports obtained in the same country. Macroeconomic theory maintains that private business investment (IPE) is strongly correlated with the gross domestic product (GDP), because it generates production of inputs, capital goods and, most importantly, contributes to generating employment, growth and general well-being in the population. . Given the logic and evidence, it is interesting to treat it as a research topic. According to the logic and evidence presented, we set the objective of the research to determine the relationship that exists between Private Business Investment (IPE) with respect to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Peru, for the years 2005 – 2022 (18 years); Furthermore, demonstrate whether the fundamental laws of economic theory are met and whether it contributes to generating economic growth for the country.
In the research, the aim is to understand that the production of goods and services in a region or country is linked to private investment, and that this action generates growth and development, for which some theories are studied whose fundamental objective is, demonstrate that the private investment made by the country is directly related to private consumption and imports obtained in the same country. Macroeconomic theory maintains that private business investment (IPE) is strongly correlated with the gross domestic product (GDP), because it generates production of inputs, capital goods and, most importantly, contributes to generating employment, growth and general well-being in the population. . Given the logic and evidence, it is interesting to treat it as a research topic. According to the logic and evidence presented, we set the objective of the research to determine the relationship that exists between Private Business Investment (IPE) with respect to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Peru, for the years 2005 – 2022 (18 years); Furthermore, demonstrate whether the fundamental laws of economic theory are met and whether it contributes to generating economic growth for the country.
Palabras clave
Inversión privada, Producto Bruto Interno, Modelos de simulación, Economic growth, Predictio