Utilización de criterios STOPP/START en la detección de prescripción potencialmente inapropiada en adultos mayores atendidos en el Hospital Regional de Ica
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
Analizar cuáles son y en que medida se presentan prescripciones inapropiadas de
medicamentos en adultos mayores atendidos en el Hospital Regional de Ica,
Estrategia metodológica. Investigación cuantitativa, descriptiva, transversal. Diseño no
experimental. Población. Pacientes con edad de más 65 años atendidos en consultorio externo del
Hospital Regional de Ica. Muestra determinada por fórmula. Se tomó en cuenta como mínimo 57
prescripciones de personas adultas mayores. Las prescripciones se analizaron utilizando los
Criterios STOPP/START, para posteriormente realizar la estimación de la frecuencia de la
prescripción inapropiada de medicamentos. Se descartaron aquellas prescripciones que
presentaron ciertas rectificaciones en las indicaciones o fueron llenadas con letra poco legible
Resultados y conclusiones. En relación a edad y sexo, el mayor el mayor porcentaje de pacientes
que participaron corresponde al sexo femenino con un 56,1 %, El rango de edades oscilaba entre
los 66 a 83 años, etapa de vida que corresponde a los adultos mayores. Según los criterios STOPP,
se detectaron prescripciones potencialmente inapropiadas cinco pacientes. El 60% de ellos (3
pacientes) fueron de sexo masculino y dos (40%) de sexo femenino (40%) Y prescripciones
potencialmente inapropiadas según criterios START, se detectaron en veintidós pacientes, de
ellos diez de sexo masculino (45,5%) y doce de sexo femenino (54,5%). Según los criterios
STOPP se han detectado 9 PIM en 5 pacientes, el mayor porcentaje (22,2%), está relacionado al
código A2, D5 y K1. Y según Criterios START se encontró que el 95,5% de las PPO presentadas
están referidas al código I1.
To analyze which inappropriate drug prescriptions are present and to what extent in older adults treated at the Regional Hospital of Ica. Methodological Strategy: Quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional research. Non-experimental design. Population: Patients over 65 years old treated in the outpatient clinic of the Regional Hospital of Ica. Sample determined by formula. A minimum of 57 prescriptions for older adults was considered. The prescriptions were analyzed using the STOPP/START Criteria, to subsequently estimate the frequency of inappropriate drug prescriptions. Prescriptions that had certain corrections in the instructions or were filled out with illegible handwriting were excluded. Results and Conclusions: Regarding age and sex, the majority of patients who participated were female, representing 56.1%. The age range was between 66 and 83 years, a stage of life corresponding to older adults. According to the STOPP criteria, potentially inappropriate prescriptions were detected in five patients. Of them, 60% (3 patients) were male, and two (40%) were female. Potentially inappropriate prescriptions according to the START criteria were detected in twenty-two patients, of whom ten were male (45.5%) and twelve were female (54.5%). According to the STOPP criteria, 9 PIMs were detected in 5 patients, with the highest percentage (22.2%) related to codes A2, D5, and K1. According to the START criteria, it was found that 95.5% of the presented PPOs were related to code I1.
To analyze which inappropriate drug prescriptions are present and to what extent in older adults treated at the Regional Hospital of Ica. Methodological Strategy: Quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional research. Non-experimental design. Population: Patients over 65 years old treated in the outpatient clinic of the Regional Hospital of Ica. Sample determined by formula. A minimum of 57 prescriptions for older adults was considered. The prescriptions were analyzed using the STOPP/START Criteria, to subsequently estimate the frequency of inappropriate drug prescriptions. Prescriptions that had certain corrections in the instructions or were filled out with illegible handwriting were excluded. Results and Conclusions: Regarding age and sex, the majority of patients who participated were female, representing 56.1%. The age range was between 66 and 83 years, a stage of life corresponding to older adults. According to the STOPP criteria, potentially inappropriate prescriptions were detected in five patients. Of them, 60% (3 patients) were male, and two (40%) were female. Potentially inappropriate prescriptions according to the START criteria were detected in twenty-two patients, of whom ten were male (45.5%) and twelve were female (54.5%). According to the STOPP criteria, 9 PIMs were detected in 5 patients, with the highest percentage (22.2%) related to codes A2, D5, and K1. According to the START criteria, it was found that 95.5% of the presented PPOs were related to code I1.
Palabras clave
STOPP/START, Adultos mayores, Prescripciones