Factores asociados y no aceptación del examen de Papanicolaou en mujeres que acuden al Centro de Salud Guadalupe, Ica, 2023
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
Determinar la relación que existe entre los factores asociados y no aceptación del
examen de Papanicolaou en mujeres que acuden al Centro de Salud Guadalupe, Ica,2023.
Metodología: el estudio tuvo un enfoque cuantitativo, nivel de investigación relacional, tipo de
investigación observacional, prospectivo y de corte transversal. La muestra la constituyeron 156
mujeres atendidas en el Centro de Salud de Guadalupe; utilizando como instrumento la encuesta
Resultados: la correlación entre los factores asociados y no aceptación del examen de
Papanicolaou en mujeres que acuden al Centro de Salud Guadalupe, Ica, 2023. Evidenciándose
así que no existe una correlación significativa entre ambas variables ya que el valor de coeficiente
de correlación (rho = ,060) y significancia bilateral (p=,454).
Conclusiones: No existe una relación directa y significativa entre los factores asociados y no
aceptación del examen de Papanicolaou en mujeres que acuden al Centro de Salud Guadalupe,
Ica, 2023.
Determine the relationship that exists between the associated factors and the nonacceptance of the Pap test in women who attend the Guadalupe Health Center, Ica, 2023. Methodology: the study had a quantitative approach, level of relational research, type of observational, prospective and cross-sectional research. The sample consisted of 156 women treated at the Guadalupe Health Center, using the structured survey as an instrument. Results: the correlation between the associated factors and non-acceptance of the Pap test in women who attend the Guadalupe Health Center, Ica, 2023. This shows that there is no significant correlation between both variables since the value of the correlation coefficient (rho = .060) and bilateral significance (p=.454). Conclusions: There is no direct and significant relationship between the associated factors and non-acceptance of the Pap test in women who attend the Guadalupe Health Center, Ica
Determine the relationship that exists between the associated factors and the nonacceptance of the Pap test in women who attend the Guadalupe Health Center, Ica, 2023. Methodology: the study had a quantitative approach, level of relational research, type of observational, prospective and cross-sectional research. The sample consisted of 156 women treated at the Guadalupe Health Center, using the structured survey as an instrument. Results: the correlation between the associated factors and non-acceptance of the Pap test in women who attend the Guadalupe Health Center, Ica, 2023. This shows that there is no significant correlation between both variables since the value of the correlation coefficient (rho = .060) and bilateral significance (p=.454). Conclusions: There is no direct and significant relationship between the associated factors and non-acceptance of the Pap test in women who attend the Guadalupe Health Center, Ica
Palabras clave
Papanicolaou, No aceptación, Pap test