Percepción de la comunicación interna y productividad laboral en la empresa Ebl Group Empresa Individual de Responsabilidad Limitada, 2023
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
El objetivo del presente estudio fue contextualizar la percepción que tienen los trabajadores
sobre la comunicación interna y la productividad laboral en la empresa Ebl Group Empresa
Individual de Responsabilidad Limitada, 2023. En cuanto a la metodología, el tipo empleado fue
básica, con enfoque cualitativo, nivel explicativo, de diseño no experimental; la población
fueron 12 empleados de la empresa Ebl Group Empresa Individual de Responsabilidad
Limitada, 2023; se utilizó como técnica la entrevista semiestructurada, como instrumento una
(01) guía de entrevista. Entre los hallazgos más relevantes, obtenidos de la revisión y análisis
de las entrevistas semiestructuradas a los informantes, luego de la sistematización y la
codificación de los datos, se tiene que, la comunicación interna es percibida como un factor
crucial para la eficiencia y la productividad en la organización, pero también señalan áreas de
mejora en términos de claridad, especificidad y uso de herramientas digitales para facilitar la
comunicación y colaboración interna; en relación a la productividad laboral, la organización
implementa esfuerzos para mejorarla y brinda incentivos para incrementarla, además, se destaca
el impacto positivo de una alta productividad en la comunicación interna, el ambiente laboral y
la eficiencia operativa. Se concluyó que, la percepción de los trabajadores respecto al rol de la
organización sobre la comunicación interna y la productividad laboral en la empresa Ebl Group
Empresa Individual de Responsabilidad Limitada, 2023, es positiva; se valoran positivamente
los esfuerzos de la organización para mejorar la comunicación interna y la productividad.
The objective of this study was to contextualize the perception that workers have about internal communication and work productivity in the company Ebl Group Individual limited liability company, 2023. Regarding the methodology, the type used was basic, with a qualitative approach, explanatory level, non-experimental design; The population was 12 employees of the company Ebl Group Individual limited liability company, 2023.; The semi-structured interview was used as a technique, with one (01) interview guide as an instrument. Among the most relevant findings, obtained from the review and analysis of the semi-structured interviews with the informants, after the systematization and coding of the data, it is that internal communication is perceived as a crucial factor for efficiency and productivity. in the organization, but they also point out areas for improvement in terms of clarity, specificity and use of digital tools to facilitate internal communication and collaboration; In relation to labor productivity, the organization implements efforts to improve it and provides incentives to increase it. In addition, the positive impact of high productivity on internal communication, the work environment and operational efficiency is highlighted. It was concluded that the perception of workers regarding the role of the organization on internal communication and work productivity in the company Ebl Group Individual limited liability company, is positive; the organization's efforts to improve internal communication and productivity are positively valued.
The objective of this study was to contextualize the perception that workers have about internal communication and work productivity in the company Ebl Group Individual limited liability company, 2023. Regarding the methodology, the type used was basic, with a qualitative approach, explanatory level, non-experimental design; The population was 12 employees of the company Ebl Group Individual limited liability company, 2023.; The semi-structured interview was used as a technique, with one (01) interview guide as an instrument. Among the most relevant findings, obtained from the review and analysis of the semi-structured interviews with the informants, after the systematization and coding of the data, it is that internal communication is perceived as a crucial factor for efficiency and productivity. in the organization, but they also point out areas for improvement in terms of clarity, specificity and use of digital tools to facilitate internal communication and collaboration; In relation to labor productivity, the organization implements efforts to improve it and provides incentives to increase it. In addition, the positive impact of high productivity on internal communication, the work environment and operational efficiency is highlighted. It was concluded that the perception of workers regarding the role of the organization on internal communication and work productivity in the company Ebl Group Individual limited liability company, is positive; the organization's efforts to improve internal communication and productivity are positively valued.
Palabras clave
Comunicación interna, Productividad laboral, Eficiencia, Información, Internal communication