Factores determinantes del sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud ocupacional en una empresa agroexportadora de Ica, año 2022
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
La investigación tuvo por objetivo determinar los factores que determinan la
gestión de la seguridad y salud ocupacional en una empresa agroexportadora – Ica
durante el año 2022. La metodología empleada se basó en un estudio descriptivo –
explicativo con dos poblaciones cuya muestra fue no probabilística tipo censal
conformada por 20 supervisores y 278 trabajadores a quienes se les aplicó un
cuestionario distinto para cada grupo muestral. Los resultados obtenidos reflejaron que
existe un 85% de cumplimiento de la política empresarial, 75% da cumplimiento al
MOF de cada puesto laboral, 90% cumple con el presupuesto destinado al SSO, 85%
de las quejas de la población son atendidas, 75% da cumplimiento al manejo de
fertilizantes, 70% da cumplimiento a las actividades productivas con riesgo. En lo que
se refiere al clima de seguridad se evidencia que se encuentra en nivel moderado
(75.50%). A un 40% de cumplimiento de factores determinantes le corresponde una
moderada gestión de SSO, a un 30% de cumplimiento de los factores le corresponde
una eficiente gestión de SSO y a un 5% de cumplimiento de los factores le corresponde
un deficiente sistema de gestión de SSO. Conclusión: Se logró determinar que los
factores que determinan la gestión de la seguridad y salud ocupacional en una empresa
agroexportadora – Ica durante el año 2022 fueron la política empresarial (30%), los
recursos humanos (35%), los recursos financieros (65%), la comunidad (100%), los
proveedores (35%) y la planta (70%).
The research aimed to determine the factors that determine the management of occupational health and safety in an agro-export company – Ica during the year 2022. The methodology used was based on a descriptive-explanatory study with two populations whose sample was non-probabilistic census type consisting of 20 supervisors and 278 workers to whom a different questionnaire was applied for each sample group. The results obtained reflected that there is 85% compliance with business policy, 75% compliance with the MOF of each job, 90% compliance with the budget allocated to OHS, 85% of the complaints of the population are addressed, 75% comply with fertilizer management, 70% comply with productive activities with risk. With regard to the security climate, it is evident that it is at a moderate level (75.50%). 40% compliance with determinants corresponds to moderate OHS management, 30% compliance with factors corresponds to efficient OHS management and 5% compliance with factors corresponds to a poor OHS management system. Conclusion: It was determined that the factors that determine the management of occupational health and safety in an agro-export company – Ica during the year 2022 were business policy (30%), human resources (35%), financial resources (65%), community (100%), suppliers (35%) and plant (70%).
The research aimed to determine the factors that determine the management of occupational health and safety in an agro-export company – Ica during the year 2022. The methodology used was based on a descriptive-explanatory study with two populations whose sample was non-probabilistic census type consisting of 20 supervisors and 278 workers to whom a different questionnaire was applied for each sample group. The results obtained reflected that there is 85% compliance with business policy, 75% compliance with the MOF of each job, 90% compliance with the budget allocated to OHS, 85% of the complaints of the population are addressed, 75% comply with fertilizer management, 70% comply with productive activities with risk. With regard to the security climate, it is evident that it is at a moderate level (75.50%). 40% compliance with determinants corresponds to moderate OHS management, 30% compliance with factors corresponds to efficient OHS management and 5% compliance with factors corresponds to a poor OHS management system. Conclusion: It was determined that the factors that determine the management of occupational health and safety in an agro-export company – Ica during the year 2022 were business policy (30%), human resources (35%), financial resources (65%), community (100%), suppliers (35%) and plant (70%).
Palabras clave
Factores determinantes, Salud ocupacional, Safety