Salud ocular: conocimiento y su cuidado en estudiantes de enfermería de una universidad pública de Ica
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
La investigación se centra en la salud ocular que busca prevenir y mejorar el bienestar de la
población en cuanto a problemas visuales que afecta a la población mundial. Su impacto en la
educación y desarrollo a involucrado grupos sociales como estudiantes universitarios, dentro de
los cuales se incluye enfermería, quienes han enfrentado desafíos adicionales debido a la
virtualidad impuesta durante la emergencia sanitaria. Bajo esta perspectiva, se planteó como
Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre el nivel de conocimiento y cuidado de la salud ocular en
estudiantes de enfermería de una universidad pública de Ica. Material y métodos: Estudio con
enfoque cuantitativo, nivel relacional y diseño no experimental, donde se incluyó una muestra de
160 estudiantes de enfermería, tamaño obtenido por muestreo probabilístico estratificado,
empleando como técnica la encuesta, siendo el instrumento un cuestionario validado (0.016) y
confiable (0.88) para ambas variables. Resultados: el conocimiento sobre salud ocular fue medio
en el 61% de estudiantes de enfermería; alcanzando el mismo nivel en las dimensiones: aspectos
generales y prevención en el 94% y 83%; sin embargo, en la dimensión tratamiento de
enfermedades oculares fue alto en el 52%. Respecto al cuidado de la salud ocular fue inadecuado
en el 89%; según sus dimensiones control oftalmológico y estilos de vida fue inadecuado
alcanzando 84% y 87% respectivamente. Conclusión: Se demostró que existe relación entre el
conocimiento y cuidado de la salud ocular en los estudiantes de enfermería de una universidad
pública de Ica (r:0,41; p-valor: 0.01).
The research focuses on eye health that seeks to prevent and improve the well-being of the population in terms of visual problems that affect the world population. Its impact on education and development has involved social groups such as university students, including nursing, who have faced additional challenges due to the virtuality imposed during the health emergency. Objective: To determine the relationship between the level of knowledge and care of eye health in nursing students of a public university in Ica. Material and methods: Study with a quantitative approach, relational level and non-experimental design, where a sample of 160 nursing students was included, size obtained by stratified probabilistic sampling, using the survey technique as a technique, the instrument being a validated (0.016) and reliable (0.88) questionnaire for both variables. Results: Knowledge about eye health was medium in 61% of nursing students; reaching the same level in the dimensions general aspects and prevention in 94% and 83%; however, in the dimension treatment of eye diseases it was high in 52%. Regarding eye health care, it was inadequate in 89%; according to its dimensions, ophthalmological control and lifestyles was inadequate, reaching 84% and 87%, respectively. Conclusion: It was demonstrated that there is a relationship between knowledge and care of eye health in nursing students of a public university in Ica (r:0.41; p-value: 0.01).
The research focuses on eye health that seeks to prevent and improve the well-being of the population in terms of visual problems that affect the world population. Its impact on education and development has involved social groups such as university students, including nursing, who have faced additional challenges due to the virtuality imposed during the health emergency. Objective: To determine the relationship between the level of knowledge and care of eye health in nursing students of a public university in Ica. Material and methods: Study with a quantitative approach, relational level and non-experimental design, where a sample of 160 nursing students was included, size obtained by stratified probabilistic sampling, using the survey technique as a technique, the instrument being a validated (0.016) and reliable (0.88) questionnaire for both variables. Results: Knowledge about eye health was medium in 61% of nursing students; reaching the same level in the dimensions general aspects and prevention in 94% and 83%; however, in the dimension treatment of eye diseases it was high in 52%. Regarding eye health care, it was inadequate in 89%; according to its dimensions, ophthalmological control and lifestyles was inadequate, reaching 84% and 87%, respectively. Conclusion: It was demonstrated that there is a relationship between knowledge and care of eye health in nursing students of a public university in Ica (r:0.41; p-value: 0.01).
Palabras clave
Salud ocular, Conocimiento, Cuidado, Estudiante de enfermería, Ocular health