Nivel de información y aceptabilidad de la vacuna del virus de Papiloma Humano en estudiantes varones de una institución educativa pública
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
Los adolescentes constituyen un grupo en riesgo de contraer el virus del papiloma humano en las
conductas sexuales inadecuadas, por lo que deben poseer información sobre el tema y plena
aceptación de la vacuna preventiva. Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre el nivel de
información y la aceptabilidad de la vacuna del Virus de Papiloma Humano en estudiantes
varones de una Institución Educativa Pública. Material y Métodos: Investigación cuantitativa,
transversal, con nivel correlacional y diseño no experimental, con muestra a 232 adolescentes
varones que participaron de una encuesta, como instrumento se aplicó un cuestionario validado
por expertos y con buena confiabilidad. Resultados: La mayoría presentó nivel bajo de
información sobre el virus del papiloma humano 56.9%; por dimensiones predominó el nivel
medio de información en las generalidades sobre el virus del papiloma humano 51.7%, y nivel
bajo de información sobre la vacunación contra el virus del papiloma humano 60.3%. El rechazo
de la vacuna predominó en el 65.5%; por dimensiones el 55.2% presentó aceptación cognoscitiva,
y el 75.9% rechazo afectivo. Se halló relación entre las variables (p=0.000), observándose que el
rechazo de la vacuna predominó en quienes tuvieron bajo nivel de información (51.7%).
Asimismo se halló relación entre la aceptabilidad de la vacuna y las dimensiones del nivel de
información (p=0.000). Conclusiones: El nivel de información se relaciona significativamente
con la aceptación de la vacuna del virus del papiloma humano en estudiantes varones de una
Institución Educativa Pública.
Adolescents are a group at risk of contracting the human papillomavirus through inappropriate sexual behavior, so they must have information on the subject and full acceptance of the preventive vaccine. Objective: To determine the relationship between the level of information and the acceptability of the Human Papillomavirus vaccine in male students of a Public Educational Institution. Material and Methods: Quantitative, cross-sectional research, with a correlational level and non-experimental design, with a sample of 232 male adolescents who participated in a survey, as an instrument a questionnaire validated by experts and with good reliability was applied. Results: The majority presented a low level of information about the human papillomavirus 56.9%; by dimensions, the medium level of information predominated in generalities about the human papillomavirus 51.7%, and a low level of information about vaccination against the human papillomavirus 60.3%. Likewise, the rejection of the vaccine predominated in 65.5%; By dimensions, 55.2% presented cognitive acceptance, and 75.9% affective rejection. A relationship was found between the variables (p=0.000), observing that the rejection of the vaccine predominated in those with a low level of information (51.7%). Likewise, a relationship was found between the acceptability of the vaccine and the dimensions of the level of information (p=0.000). Conclusions: The level of information is significantly related to the acceptance of the human papillomavirus vaccine in male students of a Public Educational Institution.
Adolescents are a group at risk of contracting the human papillomavirus through inappropriate sexual behavior, so they must have information on the subject and full acceptance of the preventive vaccine. Objective: To determine the relationship between the level of information and the acceptability of the Human Papillomavirus vaccine in male students of a Public Educational Institution. Material and Methods: Quantitative, cross-sectional research, with a correlational level and non-experimental design, with a sample of 232 male adolescents who participated in a survey, as an instrument a questionnaire validated by experts and with good reliability was applied. Results: The majority presented a low level of information about the human papillomavirus 56.9%; by dimensions, the medium level of information predominated in generalities about the human papillomavirus 51.7%, and a low level of information about vaccination against the human papillomavirus 60.3%. Likewise, the rejection of the vaccine predominated in 65.5%; By dimensions, 55.2% presented cognitive acceptance, and 75.9% affective rejection. A relationship was found between the variables (p=0.000), observing that the rejection of the vaccine predominated in those with a low level of information (51.7%). Likewise, a relationship was found between the acceptability of the vaccine and the dimensions of the level of information (p=0.000). Conclusions: The level of information is significantly related to the acceptance of the human papillomavirus vaccine in male students of a Public Educational Institution.
Palabras clave
Información, Aceptabilidad, Vacunación, Papiloma humano, Vaccination