Modalidades de proceso de divorcio y desarrollo integral de los hijos en el Perú al año 2022: enfoque jurídico
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
tuvo como objetivo demostrar la relación entre las variables planteadas en el contexto y período de
tiempo indicado.
Para hacerla realidad se tomaron en cuenta la Constitución Política del Perú de 1993; la Ley 30220,
Ley Universitaria; el Estatuto de la UNICA; la Resolución Rectoral 029-2021-4, Líneas de
Investigación UNICA; la Resolución Rectoral 048-2021-R, Reglamento de Grados y Títulos de la
UNICA y la Resolución Rectoral 1320-2021-R, Guía para la Elaboración del Proyecto e Informe Final
de Tesis de la UNICA.
En el proceso de recolección de datos se recurrió a la Técnica de la Encuesta y a los instrumentos
como: Cuestionario sobre Modalidades de Divorcio y Cuestionario sobre Desarrollo Integral de los
De los resultados obtenidos se deduce que existen relaciones significativas entre proceso de divorcio
a nivel de municipalidades y desarrollo psicológico de los hijos en la Provincia de Ica, al año 2022;
asimismo existen relaciones muy estrechas entre el proceso de divorcio a nivel de notarías y el
desarrollo educativo de los hijos en la Provincia de Ica, al año 2022.
The thesis "MODALITIES OF DIVORCE PROCESS AND INTEGRAL DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN IN PERÚ TO THE YEAR 2022: LEGAL APPROACH" aimed to demonstrate the relationship between the variables raised in the context and period of time indicated. To make it a reality, the Political Constitution of Peru of 1993; Law 30220, University Law; the Statute of UNICA; Rectoral Resolution 029-2021-4, UNICA Research Lines; Rectoral Resolution 048-2021- R, Regulation of Degrees and Titles of UNICA and Rectoral Resolution 1320-2021-R, Guide for the Elaboration of the Project, Final Report of Single Thesis. In the data collection process, the Survey Technique and the Divorce Questionnaire instruments were used; Questionnaire on integral development of children. From the results obtained, it can be deduced that there are significant relationships between divorce process at the municipal level and psychological development of children in Ica, at the year 20 22; there are very close relationships between the divorce process at the level of notaries and the educational development of children in Ica by 2022
The thesis "MODALITIES OF DIVORCE PROCESS AND INTEGRAL DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN IN PERÚ TO THE YEAR 2022: LEGAL APPROACH" aimed to demonstrate the relationship between the variables raised in the context and period of time indicated. To make it a reality, the Political Constitution of Peru of 1993; Law 30220, University Law; the Statute of UNICA; Rectoral Resolution 029-2021-4, UNICA Research Lines; Rectoral Resolution 048-2021- R, Regulation of Degrees and Titles of UNICA and Rectoral Resolution 1320-2021-R, Guide for the Elaboration of the Project, Final Report of Single Thesis. In the data collection process, the Survey Technique and the Divorce Questionnaire instruments were used; Questionnaire on integral development of children. From the results obtained, it can be deduced that there are significant relationships between divorce process at the municipal level and psychological development of children in Ica, at the year 20 22; there are very close relationships between the divorce process at the level of notaries and the educational development of children in Ica by 2022
Palabras clave
Modalidades, Divorcio, Municipalidad, Notaria, Modalities