Niveles de concentración de CO2, NO2, CO y H2S por el tránsito vehicular en la calidad del aire, ctra. panamericana sur 2, Ica, 2022
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
Evaluar que los “niveles de concentración” de CO2, NO2, CO y H2S por el tránsito
vehicular influyen en la calidad del aire, ctra. panamericana sur 2, Ica, 2022.
El estudio realizado de tipo observacional-prospectivo-longitudinal, nivel descriptivo, diseño
experimental, la investigación aplicada. Resultados, se realizaron mediciones en los puntos de
monitoreo CA-1 y CA-2, con el equipo Tren de Muestreo en los meses de agosto, septiembre y
octubre de 2022, se aplicó el t-student, con un nivel de significancia de 0.05, considerando un
grado de libertad de 5 y los resultados como el Dióxido de Carbono (CO2) con un valor
tExperimental de (-13.6821), el Dióxido de Nitrógeno (NO2) con un valor tExperimental de (-
53.5422), el Monóxido de Carbono (CO) con un valor tExperimental de (-35.1194) y Sulfuro de
Hidrogeno (H2S) con un valor tExperimental de (-172.1826), siendo el valor tCritico de (-
2.0150). Por lo tanto, se aceptó la hipótesis alterna. Discusión, los resultados indicaron que en
determinadas horas pico y tramos de mayor densidad de tráfico, se registraban niveles más altos
de contaminantes, lo que sugiere que el tránsito vehicular es un factor determinante en la calidad
del aire en esta área, en general los niveles están por debajo de los límites establecidos por el
Decreto Supremo Nº003-2017-MINAM. Conclusión, que los niveles de CO2, NO2, CO y H2S se
mantienen dentro de los límites establecidos por los estándares de calidad ambiental. Los
resultados del estudio demuestran claramente que no se superan los niveles permitidos de concentración de estos gases.
Was to assess that the "concentration levels" of CO2, NO2, CO and H2S by vehicular traffic influence air quality, ctra. panamericana sur 2, Ica, 2022. The study carried out was observational-prospective-longitudinal, descriptive level, experimental design, applied research. Results, measurements were made at the monitoring points CA-1 and CA-2, with the Sampling Train team in the months of August, September and October 2022, the t-student was applied, with a significance level of 0.05. , considering a degree of freedom of 5 and the results as Carbon Dioxide (CO2) with a tExperimental value of (-13.6821), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) with a tExperimental value of (-53.5422), Carbon Monoxide (CO) with a tExperimental value of (-35.1194) and Sulfur Hydroxide (H2S) with a tExperimental value of (-172.1826), with the tCritical value being (-2.0150). Therefore, the alternate hypothesis was accepted. Discussion, the results indicated that in certain peak hours and sections with higher traffic density, higher levels of pollutants were recorded, which suggests that vehicular traffic is a determining factor in air quality in this area. In general, the levels are below the limits established by Supreme Decree No. 003-2017-MINAM. Conclusion, that the levels of CO2, NO2, CO and H2S remain within the limits established by the environmental quality standards. The results of the study clearly demonstrate that the permitted levels of concentration of these gases are not exceeded.
Was to assess that the "concentration levels" of CO2, NO2, CO and H2S by vehicular traffic influence air quality, ctra. panamericana sur 2, Ica, 2022. The study carried out was observational-prospective-longitudinal, descriptive level, experimental design, applied research. Results, measurements were made at the monitoring points CA-1 and CA-2, with the Sampling Train team in the months of August, September and October 2022, the t-student was applied, with a significance level of 0.05. , considering a degree of freedom of 5 and the results as Carbon Dioxide (CO2) with a tExperimental value of (-13.6821), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) with a tExperimental value of (-53.5422), Carbon Monoxide (CO) with a tExperimental value of (-35.1194) and Sulfur Hydroxide (H2S) with a tExperimental value of (-172.1826), with the tCritical value being (-2.0150). Therefore, the alternate hypothesis was accepted. Discussion, the results indicated that in certain peak hours and sections with higher traffic density, higher levels of pollutants were recorded, which suggests that vehicular traffic is a determining factor in air quality in this area. In general, the levels are below the limits established by Supreme Decree No. 003-2017-MINAM. Conclusion, that the levels of CO2, NO2, CO and H2S remain within the limits established by the environmental quality standards. The results of the study clearly demonstrate that the permitted levels of concentration of these gases are not exceeded.
Palabras clave
Niveles de concentración, Calidad del aire, Tránsito vehicular, Air quality