Costo y accesibilidad de medicamentos esenciales en denominación común internacional en cadenas de boticas y farmacias privadas del distrito de Parcona
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
Examinar el costo y accesibilidad de medicamentos esenciales en denominación común
internacional en cadenas de boticas y farmacias privadas del distrito de Parcona
Material y método. Investigación cuantitativa. Descriptiva. Diseño no experimental.
Transversal. Muestra: Medicamentos de alta demanda correspondiente a principios activos
considerados en la RM No 302-2020-MINSA (14) y que figuren en el Listado de medicamentos
esenciales genéricos en Denominación Común Internacional, en el marco de lo dispuesto en el
Decreto de Urgencia N° 005-2024. Muestra no probabilística, medicamentos de alta demanda.
Técnica. Análisis documental, Trabajo de campo, observación no participante. Se determinó la
asequibilidad considerando la remuneración mínima vital. Un día de trabajo corresponde al
3,33 % de la remuneración mínima vital. Es decir, si él % de la RMV no supera el 3,33 % entonces
el tratamiento mensual o por ciclo se considera asequible.
Resultados y conclusiones. Los precios de los medicamentos analizados en los establecimientos
privados considerando el medicamento genérico o en denominación común internacional, puede
llegar a tener un precio unitario de S/ 0,02 hasta S/ 2,0, en caso de los precios de los medicamentos
en las boticas privadas, se pueden establecer precios mínimo y máximo, es así que estos varian
de 60% al 1233%. Los precios en las farmacias privadas en ciertos medicamentos son uniformes,
considerando que no existe variación de precio y no se puede establecer con fines de comparación
precios minimo y máximo. Sin embargo, pueden llegar a variar de 0% al 2400%. Existe una
disponibilidad del 100,0 % y todos los medicamentos analizados respecto al tratamiento mensual
o por ciclo son asequibles, es decir, no superan el valor correspondiente a un dia de trabajo que
corresponde al 3.33 % de la remuneración mínima vital, excepto en el caso del medicamento
Amoxicilina + ácido clavulánico 500/125 mg.
To examine the cost and accessibility of essential medicines in international nonproprietary names in chain pharmacies and private pharmacies in the district of Parcona. Material and Method: Quantitative research. Descriptive. Non-experimental design. Crosssectional. Sample: Tracer medicines corresponding to active ingredients considered in RM No 302-2020-MINSA (14) and listed in the List of essential generic medicines in International Nonproprietary Names, within the framework of the provisions of Urgency Decree No 005-2024. Non-probabilistic sample, tracer medicines. Technique: Document analysis, fieldwork, nonparticipant observation. Affordability was determined considering the minimum vital remuneration. One day's work corresponds to 3.33% of the minimum vital remuneration. That is, if the percentage of the RMV does not exceed 3.33%, then the monthly or cycle treatment is considered affordable. Results and Conclusions: The prices of the analyzed medicines in private establishments considering the generic medicine or in international nonproprietary names can range from S/ 0.02 to S/ 2.0 per unit. In the case of prices of medicines in private pharmacies, minimum and maximum prices can be established, ranging from 60% to 1233%. The prices in private pharmacies for certain medicines are uniform, considering there is no price variation and minimum and maximum prices cannot be established for comparison purposes. However, they can vary from 0% to 2400%. There is a 100.0% availability, and all analyzed medicines concerning the monthly or cycle treatment are affordable, meaning they do not exceed the value corresponding to one day's work, which is 3.33% of the minimum vital remuneration, except in the case of the medicine Amoxicillin + clavulanic acid 500/125 mg.
To examine the cost and accessibility of essential medicines in international nonproprietary names in chain pharmacies and private pharmacies in the district of Parcona. Material and Method: Quantitative research. Descriptive. Non-experimental design. Crosssectional. Sample: Tracer medicines corresponding to active ingredients considered in RM No 302-2020-MINSA (14) and listed in the List of essential generic medicines in International Nonproprietary Names, within the framework of the provisions of Urgency Decree No 005-2024. Non-probabilistic sample, tracer medicines. Technique: Document analysis, fieldwork, nonparticipant observation. Affordability was determined considering the minimum vital remuneration. One day's work corresponds to 3.33% of the minimum vital remuneration. That is, if the percentage of the RMV does not exceed 3.33%, then the monthly or cycle treatment is considered affordable. Results and Conclusions: The prices of the analyzed medicines in private establishments considering the generic medicine or in international nonproprietary names can range from S/ 0.02 to S/ 2.0 per unit. In the case of prices of medicines in private pharmacies, minimum and maximum prices can be established, ranging from 60% to 1233%. The prices in private pharmacies for certain medicines are uniform, considering there is no price variation and minimum and maximum prices cannot be established for comparison purposes. However, they can vary from 0% to 2400%. There is a 100.0% availability, and all analyzed medicines concerning the monthly or cycle treatment are affordable, meaning they do not exceed the value corresponding to one day's work, which is 3.33% of the minimum vital remuneration, except in the case of the medicine Amoxicillin + clavulanic acid 500/125 mg.
Palabras clave
Medicamentos, Accesibilidad, Precios, Accessibility